Archive for the ‘CNR’ Category


Please pray for Jon Cardwell

May 1, 2008
I have been coresponding with Jon Cardwell over the past year. He is a missionary in Alaska yet has found out he has ALS otherwise know as “Lou Gehrig’s disease”. I was saddened to hear this. ALS is a slow degenerative muscle disease so it will take some time for it to have it’s full effect on Jon. He still has needs as making a living.

I have asked people to pray over the internet a few times and have seen miracles. From the miracle of my son who was rapidly losing weight from birth and not eathing to see him begin to eat and gain strength and weight the very day many prayed, to the recent fires in Molt/Park City area in which none of my relatives property was damaged by fire. In fact one relative had the fire stop right at her property line and there seems no reason other than divine intervention.

I know God can heal people and I ask that you pray for Jon. He is currently in the lower states looking for places to preach and possibly to be the full time pastor.

Please pray for Jon Cardwell

May 1, 2008
I have been coresponding with Jon Cardwell over the past year. He is a missionary in Alaska yet has found out he has ALS otherwise know as “Lou Gehrig’s disease”. I was saddened to hear this. ALS is a slow degenerative muscle disease so it will take some time for it to have it’s full effect on Jon. He still has needs as making a living.

I have asked people to pray over the internet a few times and have seen miracles. From the miracle of my son who was rapidly losing weight from birth and not eathing to see him begin to eat and gain strength and weight the very day many prayed, to the recent fires in Molt/Park City area in which none of my relatives property was damaged by fire. In fact one relative had the fire stop right at her property line and there seems no reason other than divine intervention.

I know God can heal people and I ask that you pray for Jon. He is currently in the lower states looking for places to preach and possibly to be the full time pastor.

Spiritual side of discernment

April 2, 2008

I personally do not know who Patrick Ersig is, yet I will say that this post at is spot on. My prayer is and has always been for those who claim to be “discerning” yet seem more intent on judging and condemning that they learn true discernment.

Please read it prayerfully and as the author desires.

Be blessed,



Spiritual side of discernment

April 2, 2008

I personally do not know who Patrick Ersig is, yet I will say that this post at is spot on. My prayer is and has always been for those who claim to be “discerning” yet seem more intent on judging and condemning that they learn true discernment.

Please read it prayerfully and as the author desires.

Be blessed,



From Julie to Ken with Love…

December 19, 2007

From Julie to Ken with Love…

In the flare up of tempers… it seems that at least some have come to their senses… Ken has relegated all his careful so-called “research” to just “opinions” and Julie who seems to be the type of wife any many would want in their corner, has now taken the higher road.
So here is part of the letter to Ken, Ingrid and Paula…

“Dear Ken, Paula and Ingrid,Love and blessings to you. Let us today post this on your various sites, atone the hate and start the love of Christ, that we all want to emulate. let us today, start talking lovingly and respectfully and “kill the hate” between us once and for all.

What do you say?”

Read the rest here: From Julie

Oh and BTW, Ingrid is on record for apologies at times yet Ken has yet to apologize for much of anything… including his defamation of me by stating publicly I am not “saved” and teach “semi-pelagian” doctrines… (I still forgive you Ken)

Now also Tony has an article in where he states what type of people like Ken really are.

“OK, so some of you were perplexed with consternation over the dust-up with He Who Shall Not Be Named. Thanks for your concern. (No thanks to those of you who are truly mean-spirited.)As I’ve tried to explain to Julie, the people who voraciously blog against me and my friends don’t really care about “grace and peace” (though they sometimes sign off their comments that way). Instead, they fear that I am “nice-ing people right to hell.” In other words, saving people from eternal damnation is more important than manners.”

Read more here: Moving On

Tony has a new book out and as soon as I am able I will be review it for you… I have “thumbed” through it though and have had a good laugh (in a good way) as he shows what “Emergents” think about “truth” and “absolute truth”… I think I am going to like the book. = )

I came across this post which I found a bit “humorous” only that it is soooo true and that the “apprising” articles mentioned are so thinly veiled I had to laugh at it.
It is rather good though…
What Response to Slander Campaign

I had a little run in with the past as I came across the notorious “Tony Jones dropped the “f” bomb” article on CWN I had a bit of a kick at the comments section which should let everyone know how people really feel about Ken and his “ministry”. Note that this is a Ken Silva friendly organization that let’s him post his missives…

I hope Ken will start getting the message… Here are some of my favorites.

“Posted On: 08/02/07 03:26:23 PMAge 24, KS”repugnant Emergent punks”–really, Ken? You’re honestly referring to another human being in such terms, albeit a person you disagree with, rather vehemently obviously? I shudder at the hatred your posts convey. You criticize Tony Jones for cussing and you turn right around and insult him unashamedly. I wouldn’t want my pastor to cuss, but neither would I want my pastor to encourage hateful comments and hateful attitudes. Perhaps the words of the children’s song are appropriate for you, Ken–“Be careful little mouth what you say.”

“Posted On: 04/06/07 09:28:27 AMAge 40, MN Ken, I wonder if you realize that 100 years ago or 200 years ago or whenever, that even the most conservative church in America (yes yours) would be considered ‘heretical’ by the standards of the Christian community of that era. From the way you dress, the things you allow and yes, even on multiple doctrinal issues, that of course we see now as ‘non-essential’. So is it really helpful for you to continue to act as though you are the one guy and church that has it all right, that knows God’s mind perfectly? How can you be so confident? God has made Himself known, I agree, but there is mystery, we don’t have all the answers, we’re human, we CAN’T. I really can’t buy your critique here and a lot of what I see on this website. May I remind of you of one simple fact, Mr. Author? There are countless people who have come to a saving knowledge of Christ as their savior through what you have named “The Emergent Cult.” It seems to me that if you are going to keep other Christians accountable in a Biblical manner, you will do it in a way that does not discourage these young believers. You need to point out the problems you see in the Emergent set of beliefs, but you must do it in Godly love. “

“Ken Silva, it seems to me, is fiddling while Rome is burning. “

“Posted On: 04/05/07 11:17:04 PMAge 25, CA Ken Silva needs to be silenced. He is only trying to divide the christian church. Also why is he afraid of criticism, by not letting anyone post comments on his blog? Ken, please stop. You are giving “christian” and “silva” a bad name.”

Posted On: 04/02/07 02:02:16 PMAge 76123, TX Your article deeply saddens me. The hatred, the name-calling… I see and hear no Love in it. I always want to be so aware myself of Pharisee-ism, and I’m sure that you do as well. You might find it very revealing to take a more humble look at “the other side,” with no more than a desire to hear and understand. As with the Pharisees, sometimes God offends the mind to reveal the heart. Attitudes in articles like yours are one of many reasons that I have found sanctuary within the type of community you would call a cult. I do not pretend that my church seeks or follows God perfectly, but we are seeking and following Him as best we know and can. We try to show deference where there is disagreement, we try to Love as Jesus did. Our God is a Big God. He will not be confined to the pretty religious packages we would like to fashion for Him. I’m sure you are also following Him the best way that you know. If people don’t see Love in you, however, they might never believe it.

Oh, there is more of this stuff and again one can only start to realize why Ken does not allow comments on his blogs and why Ingrid heavily censored hers.
If you want to read more of these comments… which there are 20 total and 5 would be considered positive… again this is a very conservative organization…
My favorite “pro” one I think truly reflects that arrogance and insanity of those who follow men like Ken.
“Posted On: 04/03/07 06:29:07 AMAge 57, AR These responses are unreal. The guy wouldn’t have used the filthy words if he were IN Christ. When or if you were saved, did you in your quest for the truth in God’s word, cuss about it? I didn’t! God made me Holy. He wants us to live Holy lives. There appears to be allot of learned people on this page. You may be smart, but not in the knowledge of the Lord, and his ways. The only word I can think to describe what I thought when reading some of these responses, is TOLERANT.”
First off Ken would state this guy was a “semi-pelagian” for stating, “in your quest” as that would be an Arminian view and not the “approved” Reformers… Secondly, I truly wonder what this guy means by “God made me Holy.” I mean I agree, but it does not mean sin does not rise up in us once in a while… if in fact using a word created by the Puritans in a sin… Oh those evil and vile not “IN Christ” Puritans… they make me so made for giving the world that sinful word…. it makes me just want to cuss… LOL!

be blessed,

From Julie to Ken with Love…

December 19, 2007

From Julie to Ken with Love…

In the flare up of tempers… it seems that at least some have come to their senses… Ken has relegated all his careful so-called “research” to just “opinions” and Julie who seems to be the type of wife any many would want in their corner, has now taken the higher road.
So here is part of the letter to Ken, Ingrid and Paula…

“Dear Ken, Paula and Ingrid,Love and blessings to you. Let us today post this on your various sites, atone the hate and start the love of Christ, that we all want to emulate. let us today, start talking lovingly and respectfully and “kill the hate” between us once and for all.

What do you say?”

Read the rest here: From Julie

Oh and BTW, Ingrid is on record for apologies at times yet Ken has yet to apologize for much of anything… including his defamation of me by stating publicly I am not “saved” and teach “semi-pelagian” doctrines… (I still forgive you Ken)

Now also Tony has an article in where he states what type of people like Ken really are.

“OK, so some of you were perplexed with consternation over the dust-up with He Who Shall Not Be Named. Thanks for your concern. (No thanks to those of you who are truly mean-spirited.)As I’ve tried to explain to Julie, the people who voraciously blog against me and my friends don’t really care about “grace and peace” (though they sometimes sign off their comments that way). Instead, they fear that I am “nice-ing people right to hell.” In other words, saving people from eternal damnation is more important than manners.”

Read more here: Moving On

Tony has a new book out and as soon as I am able I will be review it for you… I have “thumbed” through it though and have had a good laugh (in a good way) as he shows what “Emergents” think about “truth” and “absolute truth”… I think I am going to like the book. = )

I came across this post which I found a bit “humorous” only that it is soooo true and that the “apprising” articles mentioned are so thinly veiled I had to laugh at it.
It is rather good though…
What Response to Slander Campaign

I had a little run in with the past as I came across the notorious “Tony Jones dropped the “f” bomb” article on CWN I had a bit of a kick at the comments section which should let everyone know how people really feel about Ken and his “ministry”. Note that this is a Ken Silva friendly organization that let’s him post his missives…

I hope Ken will start getting the message… Here are some of my favorites.

“Posted On: 08/02/07 03:26:23 PMAge 24, KS”repugnant Emergent punks”–really, Ken? You’re honestly referring to another human being in such terms, albeit a person you disagree with, rather vehemently obviously? I shudder at the hatred your posts convey. You criticize Tony Jones for cussing and you turn right around and insult him unashamedly. I wouldn’t want my pastor to cuss, but neither would I want my pastor to encourage hateful comments and hateful attitudes. Perhaps the words of the children’s song are appropriate for you, Ken–“Be careful little mouth what you say.”

“Posted On: 04/06/07 09:28:27 AMAge 40, MN Ken, I wonder if you realize that 100 years ago or 200 years ago or whenever, that even the most conservative church in America (yes yours) would be considered ‘heretical’ by the standards of the Christian community of that era. From the way you dress, the things you allow and yes, even on multiple doctrinal issues, that of course we see now as ‘non-essential’. So is it really helpful for you to continue to act as though you are the one guy and church that has it all right, that knows God’s mind perfectly? How can you be so confident? God has made Himself known, I agree, but there is mystery, we don’t have all the answers, we’re human, we CAN’T. I really can’t buy your critique here and a lot of what I see on this website. May I remind of you of one simple fact, Mr. Author? There are countless people who have come to a saving knowledge of Christ as their savior through what you have named “The Emergent Cult.” It seems to me that if you are going to keep other Christians accountable in a Biblical manner, you will do it in a way that does not discourage these young believers. You need to point out the problems you see in the Emergent set of beliefs, but you must do it in Godly love. “

“Ken Silva, it seems to me, is fiddling while Rome is burning. “

“Posted On: 04/05/07 11:17:04 PMAge 25, CA Ken Silva needs to be silenced. He is only trying to divide the christian church. Also why is he afraid of criticism, by not letting anyone post comments on his blog? Ken, please stop. You are giving “christian” and “silva” a bad name.”

Posted On: 04/02/07 02:02:16 PMAge 76123, TX Your article deeply saddens me. The hatred, the name-calling… I see and hear no Love in it. I always want to be so aware myself of Pharisee-ism, and I’m sure that you do as well. You might find it very revealing to take a more humble look at “the other side,” with no more than a desire to hear and understand. As with the Pharisees, sometimes God offends the mind to reveal the heart. Attitudes in articles like yours are one of many reasons that I have found sanctuary within the type of community you would call a cult. I do not pretend that my church seeks or follows God perfectly, but we are seeking and following Him as best we know and can. We try to show deference where there is disagreement, we try to Love as Jesus did. Our God is a Big God. He will not be confined to the pretty religious packages we would like to fashion for Him. I’m sure you are also following Him the best way that you know. If people don’t see Love in you, however, they might never believe it.

Oh, there is more of this stuff and again one can only start to realize why Ken does not allow comments on his blogs and why Ingrid heavily censored hers.
If you want to read more of these comments… which there are 20 total and 5 would be considered positive… again this is a very conservative organization…
My favorite “pro” one I think truly reflects that arrogance and insanity of those who follow men like Ken.
“Posted On: 04/03/07 06:29:07 AMAge 57, AR These responses are unreal. The guy wouldn’t have used the filthy words if he were IN Christ. When or if you were saved, did you in your quest for the truth in God’s word, cuss about it? I didn’t! God made me Holy. He wants us to live Holy lives. There appears to be allot of learned people on this page. You may be smart, but not in the knowledge of the Lord, and his ways. The only word I can think to describe what I thought when reading some of these responses, is TOLERANT.”
First off Ken would state this guy was a “semi-pelagian” for stating, “in your quest” as that would be an Arminian view and not the “approved” Reformers… Secondly, I truly wonder what this guy means by “God made me Holy.” I mean I agree, but it does not mean sin does not rise up in us once in a while… if in fact using a word created by the Puritans in a sin… Oh those evil and vile not “IN Christ” Puritans… they make me so made for giving the world that sinful word…. it makes me just want to cuss… LOL!

be blessed,

So Ken Silva… What is your beef with Tony Jones?

December 15, 2007
I am going to just ask this open question.
I have read much of Ken Silva’ “false” accusations against many… yet I am wondering what are the specific things Ken holds against Tony?
Now, if you use the “Tony used the “f” word… I will remind you Ken you used the headline,and the quote many more times than Tony has… and in fact I am on record as asking Tony to tame down his language… so let’s move on from that one.
Yet, how can you justify the name calling?
What are the facts behind these “names”… that make them so true?
I am holding this out so that you can state your case. So far I see these as slander and lies… but then, it seems you thrive on those things.
So, without making this all about me… let’s talk about Tony Jones… and all the facts (which seemed to become opinions as of late) that you have piling up against him.
Updated: This is an example of Ken’s “research” (now opinion) in which as usual he gives only half the story.
So Ken… about the lies and slander (I mean “opinions”) concerning Tony… I am still waiting for you to prove your lies and slander as Truth…

So Ken Silva… What is your beef with Tony Jones?

December 15, 2007
I am going to just ask this open question.
I have read much of Ken Silva’ “false” accusations against many… yet I am wondering what are the specific things Ken holds against Tony?
Now, if you use the “Tony used the “f” word… I will remind you Ken you used the headline,and the quote many more times than Tony has… and in fact I am on record as asking Tony to tame down his language… so let’s move on from that one.
Yet, how can you justify the name calling?
What are the facts behind these “names”… that make them so true?
I am holding this out so that you can state your case. So far I see these as slander and lies… but then, it seems you thrive on those things.
So, without making this all about me… let’s talk about Tony Jones… and all the facts (which seemed to become opinions as of late) that you have piling up against him.
Updated: This is an example of Ken’s “research” (now opinion) in which as usual he gives only half the story.
So Ken… about the lies and slander (I mean “opinions”) concerning Tony… I am still waiting for you to prove your lies and slander as Truth…

Of respect and gentleness

September 14, 2007

Normally I might have had about 5 or 6 posts out this week… yet for some reason I am just not that motivated.

Partly there are some things at work… I won’t go into detail but the stress level has risen a bit. I also have been feeling better but in that I am doing more outside thing. Being on that statin drug limited me as far as what i could or felt able to do… Most often work drained me and I would on occasion go for a walk, but mostly I just felt “tired”.

The other thing is I am taking some time as to a direction… I was going to pop off a couple of “John MacArthur” posts, but they seems lame and quite frankly John MacArthur has become a bit boring. Also, I think that there is not much more to say. I do not agree with “Lordship Salvation” nor do I agree that one must commit to all the things John states one does to be saved… as that is “works” plain and simple… I see that if one accepts Jesus for Who He is… one will grow in their faith and realize what and who Jesus is. Noted that most Lordship Salvation people miss that all will call Jesus Lord one day… but not all will be saved in their acknowledgement of Jesus as Lord. Some will bend that knee and call Him Lord and still enter the Lake of Fire.

NOW, I have had some fun at as they have some really good posts up now… I would at least take a look at this weeks worth of post… I have done a lot of comments there… enough to probably have posted a good dozen times here.

Yet, still I am truly wanting to move in a different direction. Sparing with someone over theology is fun, but if the other is more resentful toward you and has little to no respect, it gets a bit tiresome to continue a dialog that seems to only entrench oneself further in one own position.

I will not state the name, but I have also been emailing back and forth with a writer from CRN who thinks I have been using Ken Silva as a punching bag at… I noted that it goes like this…

I ask Ken a question concerning he accusation against me or that he set up in an article… Ken responds with mockery or a put down… I do something like a Jujitsu move using Ken’s own momentum and then he just gets nastier.

But, you see the guy missed that Ken started the punch with accusation that have nothing behind them…

I have asked for direct quotes concerning the accusations against people like Brian McLaren…

1. Where has he stated he does not believe in the biblical “Hell”?
2. Where has he stated he is a “universalist”?
3.Where has he stated that to be gay is OK and not a sin?

What I am usually given, if given anything is a video that states we need to have compassion on the lost… which includes gay people… but no where does Brian condone sin.

I also asked for quotes about other accusations.

1. Give me a direct quote where Tony Jones or anyone at Emergent Village denies “biblical” truth.
2. Show me a direct quote that anyone at emergent village denies the “authority” of scripture.

Now, the inerrancy question is not about same issue that most “fundamentalist” think… as they have a definition that is much different from those who originally stated the definition was. And yes, Spencer Burke has stated he is a universalist… but most miss that there is a twist… he believes in hell… so, all emergents deny hell except Spencer… LOL!

It is a crazy world.

In this conversation we acknowledge no one has it all together or has all the answers. Theology should not just be about sword rattling, but it can also be fun. If we cannot talk to each other, then we miss out that someone might have a piece that we needed that can help our understanding of our faith in God. We will and should not all agree… and yes some are or have gone off the tracks, yet i see that in even the fundamentalist who believes KJVonly… or that tongue have ended… or that prophecy has ended… (as in the case of Frank Turk at teampyro, who seems to like to defend the self proclaimed last day prophet Ken Silva… go figure that one out).

This is a fascinating time and really a hard time. Many miss that schools do not teach “biblical” ideas… that God is not a given in most homes and that the American dream has replace Christian values. Yet, somehow people expect that others just understand the Christian world view… but you see, the world is watching us… and they are wiser that we give them credit. Even Jesus pointed that out in the parable of the shrewd manager in Luke 16.

When we do not take time to listen and already assume we have the answer I see we lose out at the chance that God will do something even greater. It is not wrong to be able to give an answer… but the last part of the oft quoted verse… is with gentleness and kindness… here see what I mean.

1 Peter 3: 15-16
But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.

When we lose sight of gentleness and respect truly we must then rationalize things like our judgmentalism… and we lose even more as we give ground for others to speak maliciously against us and against Jesus.

I know I am guilty of this… so no need to write and tell me. Yet, I always look for any opportunity to move toward reconciliation and that one can be restored. I may rag on Ken Silva, but I earnestly seek that he can see the harm he has done and that his ministry can also focus on not just the negative, but give praise to those who show that they are orthodox and not just run them down more. I pray that Ken also gives a door to reconciliation and restoration of the brothers he sees as “in sin” and more I pray that humility will allow Ken to go to even greater heights in his ministry.

So, I guess this post is about gentleness and respect for others. Give an answer… but realize that even if you can answer all the questions a person has… the only real answer is Jesus and that is truly all we have to give anyone.

Again, I am far from the target… but that is why I turned to Jesus in the first place.

Be Blessed,


Of respect and gentleness

September 14, 2007

Normally I might have had about 5 or 6 posts out this week… yet for some reason I am just not that motivated.

Partly there are some things at work… I won’t go into detail but the stress level has risen a bit. I also have been feeling better but in that I am doing more outside thing. Being on that statin drug limited me as far as what i could or felt able to do… Most often work drained me and I would on occasion go for a walk, but mostly I just felt “tired”.

The other thing is I am taking some time as to a direction… I was going to pop off a couple of “John MacArthur” posts, but they seems lame and quite frankly John MacArthur has become a bit boring. Also, I think that there is not much more to say. I do not agree with “Lordship Salvation” nor do I agree that one must commit to all the things John states one does to be saved… as that is “works” plain and simple… I see that if one accepts Jesus for Who He is… one will grow in their faith and realize what and who Jesus is. Noted that most Lordship Salvation people miss that all will call Jesus Lord one day… but not all will be saved in their acknowledgement of Jesus as Lord. Some will bend that knee and call Him Lord and still enter the Lake of Fire.

NOW, I have had some fun at as they have some really good posts up now… I would at least take a look at this weeks worth of post… I have done a lot of comments there… enough to probably have posted a good dozen times here.

Yet, still I am truly wanting to move in a different direction. Sparing with someone over theology is fun, but if the other is more resentful toward you and has little to no respect, it gets a bit tiresome to continue a dialog that seems to only entrench oneself further in one own position.

I will not state the name, but I have also been emailing back and forth with a writer from CRN who thinks I have been using Ken Silva as a punching bag at… I noted that it goes like this…

I ask Ken a question concerning he accusation against me or that he set up in an article… Ken responds with mockery or a put down… I do something like a Jujitsu move using Ken’s own momentum and then he just gets nastier.

But, you see the guy missed that Ken started the punch with accusation that have nothing behind them…

I have asked for direct quotes concerning the accusations against people like Brian McLaren…

1. Where has he stated he does not believe in the biblical “Hell”?
2. Where has he stated he is a “universalist”?
3.Where has he stated that to be gay is OK and not a sin?

What I am usually given, if given anything is a video that states we need to have compassion on the lost… which includes gay people… but no where does Brian condone sin.

I also asked for quotes about other accusations.

1. Give me a direct quote where Tony Jones or anyone at Emergent Village denies “biblical” truth.
2. Show me a direct quote that anyone at emergent village denies the “authority” of scripture.

Now, the inerrancy question is not about same issue that most “fundamentalist” think… as they have a definition that is much different from those who originally stated the definition was. And yes, Spencer Burke has stated he is a universalist… but most miss that there is a twist… he believes in hell… so, all emergents deny hell except Spencer… LOL!

It is a crazy world.

In this conversation we acknowledge no one has it all together or has all the answers. Theology should not just be about sword rattling, but it can also be fun. If we cannot talk to each other, then we miss out that someone might have a piece that we needed that can help our understanding of our faith in God. We will and should not all agree… and yes some are or have gone off the tracks, yet i see that in even the fundamentalist who believes KJVonly… or that tongue have ended… or that prophecy has ended… (as in the case of Frank Turk at teampyro, who seems to like to defend the self proclaimed last day prophet Ken Silva… go figure that one out).

This is a fascinating time and really a hard time. Many miss that schools do not teach “biblical” ideas… that God is not a given in most homes and that the American dream has replace Christian values. Yet, somehow people expect that others just understand the Christian world view… but you see, the world is watching us… and they are wiser that we give them credit. Even Jesus pointed that out in the parable of the shrewd manager in Luke 16.

When we do not take time to listen and already assume we have the answer I see we lose out at the chance that God will do something even greater. It is not wrong to be able to give an answer… but the last part of the oft quoted verse… is with gentleness and kindness… here see what I mean.

1 Peter 3: 15-16
But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.

When we lose sight of gentleness and respect truly we must then rationalize things like our judgmentalism… and we lose even more as we give ground for others to speak maliciously against us and against Jesus.

I know I am guilty of this… so no need to write and tell me. Yet, I always look for any opportunity to move toward reconciliation and that one can be restored. I may rag on Ken Silva, but I earnestly seek that he can see the harm he has done and that his ministry can also focus on not just the negative, but give praise to those who show that they are orthodox and not just run them down more. I pray that Ken also gives a door to reconciliation and restoration of the brothers he sees as “in sin” and more I pray that humility will allow Ken to go to even greater heights in his ministry.

So, I guess this post is about gentleness and respect for others. Give an answer… but realize that even if you can answer all the questions a person has… the only real answer is Jesus and that is truly all we have to give anyone.

Again, I am far from the target… but that is why I turned to Jesus in the first place.

Be Blessed,