Archive for the ‘great quotes’ Category


Great quotes: Walter Martin versus Ken Silva

November 19, 2009

I find it interesting that I am called a heretic when I state that Adam was created “innocent”. Many have attacked me over this over the years. Yet, tonight I was skimming through a book by Walter Martin who states:

“…Adam was created innocent, and God put his divine stamp of approval on that creation by calling him, “the son of God” (Luke 3:38)…”

“Even though Adam was created innocent, by an act of free will he fell into imperfect practices which God allowed so as to not violate the freedom which alone makes it possible for men and angels to choose to love Him.” ~ Essential Christianity by Walter Martin page 17

Many so called “Discernment” ministry people have argued with me… one in particular states I am a “semi-pelagian” (Hi Ken Silva) Yet, it is Ken who claims to have been “mentored” by Walter Martin… this same Walter Martin from whom most likely I first heard this teaching from… (Oh and Ken Silva’s definition of mentoring is that he has listened to Walter Martin tapes… he never met the man so if that is the case, I listened to him live for many years as well as listened to tapes and read his books… so I am also “mentored” as Ken Silva… so have all the same credentials or lack of that he does)

So, as I read this, I find it sad that Ken Silva uses the name of Walter Martin to legitimize himself, yet never met the man… then attacks others for the very thing Walter Martin taught! It is as if Ken Silva is the Anti-Walter Martin.

Walter Martin for all his flaws was a great man in my view. He taught me much… such as not attacking the person but addressing their doctrine when you are trying to lead them to Christ. Ken seemed to miss that point I guess… The point here is that I have addressed Ken Silva’s doctrine… and even now am. He is a brother in Christ… though I see him as very confused. Unlike his words to me, I consider him saved if he claims Jesus. I think his actions and words dishonor Walter Martin greatly and that Ken Silva may need to bone up on Walter Martin as it seems to Ken Silva, Walter Martin was a semi pelagian heretic as he believed and taught many of the same things I do.



40 Inspirational Speeches in 2 Minutes

June 11, 2009


William Wallace: “Will you fight?!” Man: “No, we will run. And we will live.”
Muppets from Space
Shame on you.
Animal House:
This could be the greatest night of our lives, but you’re going to let it be the worst.
And I guarantee a week won’t go by in your life you won’t regret walking out, letting them get the best of you.
Street Fighter:
Well, I’m not going home.
Old School:
We’ve come too far!
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington:
And I’m going to stay right here and fight for this lost cause.
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King:
A day may come when the courage of men fails… but it is not THIS day.
Star Trek: First Contact:
The line must be drawn HERE. This far, no further!
Bring It On:
I’m not saying it’s going to be easy.
Stand and Deliver:
You’re going to work harder than you ever worked before.
But that’s fine, we’ll just get tougher with it!
Charlie Brown
“If a person grits his teeth and shows real determination”
Apollo 13
“Failure is not an option.”
Rocky Balboa
“That’s how winning is done!”
The Matrix Reloaded
“Believe me when I say…”
Kingdom of Heaven:
“We can break this army here”
Knute Rockne: All American
And win just one for the Gipper.
But I say to you what every warrior has known since the beginning of time:
You’ve got to get mad.
The Outlaw Josey Wales
I mean plum mad dog mean.
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
If you would be free men, then you must…
The Great Dictator
…fight to fulfill that promise! Let us…
…cut out their living guts…
Any Given Sunday:
One inch at a time…
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End:
And they will know what we can do!
Let no man forget how menacing we are. We are lions!
You’re like a big bear, man!
This is YOUR time!
Dead Poets’ Society
Seize the day…
Galaxy Quest
Never surrender…
victory or death…
The Untouchables:
that’s the Chicago Way!
Army of Darkness
Who’s with me?
Peter Pan
Clap! Clap! Don’t let Tink die! Clap!
Mighty Ducks
Let’s fly!
Henry IV
And gentlemen in England now abed…
Pulp Fiction
shall know my name is the Lord when I
tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take…
Independence Day:
…our Independence Day!

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40 Inspirational Speeches in 2 Minutes

June 11, 2009


William Wallace: “Will you fight?!” Man: “No, we will run. And we will live.”
Muppets from Space
Shame on you.
Animal House:
This could be the greatest night of our lives, but you’re going to let it be the worst.
And I guarantee a week won’t go by in your life you won’t regret walking out, letting them get the best of you.
Street Fighter:
Well, I’m not going home.
Old School:
We’ve come too far!
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington:
And I’m going to stay right here and fight for this lost cause.
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King:
A day may come when the courage of men fails… but it is not THIS day.
Star Trek: First Contact:
The line must be drawn HERE. This far, no further!
Bring It On:
I’m not saying it’s going to be easy.
Stand and Deliver:
You’re going to work harder than you ever worked before.
But that’s fine, we’ll just get tougher with it!
Charlie Brown
“If a person grits his teeth and shows real determination”
Apollo 13
“Failure is not an option.”
Rocky Balboa
“That’s how winning is done!”
The Matrix Reloaded
“Believe me when I say…”
Kingdom of Heaven:
“We can break this army here”
Knute Rockne: All American
And win just one for the Gipper.
But I say to you what every warrior has known since the beginning of time:
You’ve got to get mad.
The Outlaw Josey Wales
I mean plum mad dog mean.
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
If you would be free men, then you must…
The Great Dictator
…fight to fulfill that promise! Let us…
…cut out their living guts…
Any Given Sunday:
One inch at a time…
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End:
And they will know what we can do!
Let no man forget how menacing we are. We are lions!
You’re like a big bear, man!
This is YOUR time!
Dead Poets’ Society
Seize the day…
Galaxy Quest
Never surrender…
victory or death…
The Untouchables:
that’s the Chicago Way!
Army of Darkness
Who’s with me?
Peter Pan
Clap! Clap! Don’t let Tink die! Clap!
Mighty Ducks
Let’s fly!
Henry IV
And gentlemen in England now abed…
Pulp Fiction
shall know my name is the Lord when I
tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take…
Independence Day:
…our Independence Day!

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Great quotes: U2

May 26, 2009

“Stop helping God across the road like a little old lady” ~ From U2’s Stand up comedy ~ No line on the horizon

var addthis_pub=”iggy”;
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Great quotes: U2

May 26, 2009

“Stop helping God across the road like a little old lady” ~ From U2’s Stand up comedy ~ No line on the horizon

var addthis_pub=”iggy”;
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Guess the quote…

April 20, 2008
“The Bible is not only man’s word, but God’s also; not merely a record of revelation, but a written revelation in its own right, God’s own witness to Himself in the form of human witness to Him. Accordingly, the authority of the Scriptures rests, not simply on their worth as an historical source, a testament of religion, and a means of uplift, real though this is, but primarily and essentially on the fact that they come to us from the mouth of God. Therefore the real task for reason in this connection is not to try to censure and correct the Scriptures, but rather, with God’s help, to try to understand and apply them, so that God may effectively censure and correct us.”
So who stated this? Guess first then go here to see if you are right…

Guess the quote…

April 20, 2008
“The Bible is not only man’s word, but God’s also; not merely a record of revelation, but a written revelation in its own right, God’s own witness to Himself in the form of human witness to Him. Accordingly, the authority of the Scriptures rests, not simply on their worth as an historical source, a testament of religion, and a means of uplift, real though this is, but primarily and essentially on the fact that they come to us from the mouth of God. Therefore the real task for reason in this connection is not to try to censure and correct the Scriptures, but rather, with God’s help, to try to understand and apply them, so that God may effectively censure and correct us.”
So who stated this? Guess first then go here to see if you are right…

Great Quotes: Spurgeon

April 10, 2008

Like the fascination which attracts the gnat to the candle, though it burns its wings, men by nature fly to the law for salvation, and cannot be kept from seeking life by it. The law can do nothing else but reveal sin and pronounce condemnation upon the sinner, and yet we cannot get men away from it, even though we show them how sweetly Jesus stands between them and it.

~ Charles Spurgeon, Christ’s Glorious Achievements



Great Quotes: Spurgeon

April 10, 2008

Like the fascination which attracts the gnat to the candle, though it burns its wings, men by nature fly to the law for salvation, and cannot be kept from seeking life by it. The law can do nothing else but reveal sin and pronounce condemnation upon the sinner, and yet we cannot get men away from it, even though we show them how sweetly Jesus stands between them and it.

~ Charles Spurgeon, Christ’s Glorious Achievements



Tozer devotional: Distinguishing between Jacob and Esau

January 11, 2008
Distinguishing between Jacob and Esau by A.W. Tozer

There are areas of Christian thought, and because of thought then also of life, where likenesses and differences are so difficult to distinguish that we are often hard put to it to escape complete deception. Throughout the whole world error and truth travel the same highways, work in the same fields and factories, attend the same churches, fly in the same planes and shop in the same stores. So skilled is error at imitating truth that the two are constantly being mistaken for each other. It takes a sharp eye these days to know which brother is Cain and which Abel. We must never take for granted anything that touches our soul’s welfare. Isaac felt Jacob’s arms and thought they were the arms of Esau. Even the disciples failed to spot the traitor among them; the only one of them who knew who he was was Judas himself. That soft-spoken companion with whom we walk so comfortably and in whose company we take such delight may be an angel of Satan, whereas that rough, plain-spoken man whom we shun may be God’s very prophet sent to warn us against danger and eternal loss.

O God, I am easily deceived. Thank You for the Holy Spirit to lead and guide through Satan’s deceits and disguises.

Then Isaac said to Jacob, “Come near so I can touch you, my son, to know whether you really are my son Esau or not.”— Genesis 27:21

Often we encounter error disguised as truth. Crucial is our relationship to the Holy Spirit who seeks to guide into all truth. It is the Spirit who can unmask the deceiver.