Archive for the ‘exchanged life’ Category


Been a weird but busy couple of weeks

September 14, 2010
I have been a little silent on my blog. However, been hard at work in other areas… that as it may be, partly that I am looking for a job. Meanwhile, I am selling books on under the name Saving Faith Books (Yeah there are some books I would not rather sell) as well as changing the name of my radio station to Saving Faith Radio (which includes changing over the blog for the station.) I have been selling books pretty well.
The idea behind the station name change was this: I decided that iggyROCKS! sounded a bit amateur. I hope to move on and grow the station in a bit of a different direction and thought the name change to Saving Faith Radio might make it sound more interesting. My thinking is that 1. There is a saving faith that leads us to Jesus. 2. There are many out there who are hurting and their faith is fading, and they need a place to help save their faith. 3. It sounded a bit like saving face… Other than that, it just seemed a time for change. I did notice my numbers have changed dramatically as I was in the top 50 in my genre and now popped into the top 100. Mostly I believe is that no one can find me under the new name. It may take a while for the name to register with so for at time if you are still looking for my station, you can find it under iggyrocks. Also, I have started more live shows, and have figured out a way to take live calls. Believe me it is all very low-tech.
I also plan to add more shows and have been talking to JR Harrison, who is one of the Out Law Preachers to do an audio version of his blog sermons. I hope this will add a bit more spice to the mix.
While I am writing I might as well point to a few things around the blogosphere. JR Harrison’s blog as he has many great thoughts there… also Brandon Mouser calls out Ken Silva on his version of a picture (Brandon was present for the picture while Ken was sitting in his evil lair thinking of new things to make up.) It is funny reading good ole Ken as he has not changed and begins to sound more and more like Pee Wee Herman “I know you are, but what am I?”

I have fallen in love with the Out Law Preachers. While some are more radical about Grace than I am, I see God is doing something great with these radicals. So if you are on Twitter as well as on Facebook check them out.
I had a run in with an old friend. I still consider him a friend though since he has turned agnostic or atheist or whatever, he seems to be angered when I even try to interact with him. In fact his story is that he was a Fundamentalist Baptist, who slowly became a Christian Universalist, then read a book debunking the inerrancy and infallibility of the bible and so, lost his faith in God all together. I mentioned that these terms are not even taught in the bible (yes it is “God breathed” and “inspired” but I see those word often packed with meaning not found in the text itself… so when you find an original text we can talk further on infallibility, you might then have a strong case). He then went into strange rants about what I believe (though he was not even close) as well as telling me I must believe the bible is all Truth! Ummm… I pointed out that Satan is quoted in the Bible and his words are lies, not truth… yet sadly it just turned uglier and uglier… to the point he told me to “F*** off”. Well, I hope he is content… still sad to lose a friend I respected and loved over the years. It seemed that he went full circle in his fundamentalism mindset though. I know that Atheists bristle at the idea of being called a fundy, but you are… you have a belief system which is a “religion” of sorts… Believe me I knew guys whose religion is Harley Davidson so don’t tell me atheism is not a religion. You worship science, and your own knowledge… you worship self ego etc… etc… etc… If I turned atheist I would worship peanut butter and fishing… A friend pointed out this site I think expresses my thoughts in a humorous way about atheistic fundamentalist… check it out. Personally, the one big reason (besides not being able to deny that Jesus entered my life as He did) that I would never become an atheist or agnostic, is the ones I run into are just plain mean people. (Just watch the comments over that one!) BTW, I believe that this person worshiped the bible and Jesus wanted to break him of his idolatry… of course if he ever reads this he will blow a gasket (though he is never angry… haha!)
I also have been doing fund raising for different ministries in Africa and soon India… you have read a few past posts on this so I will not say much more other than I hope to move forward to start a non-profit organization soon that helps out small ministries that God seems to be bringing to me. 
Well, that is about it for now. I hope to get back teaching on my blog soon… so beware!

Is the Tithe an act of worship or bringing on a curse of the Law?

July 6, 2010
Romans 12:1. Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God–this is your spiritual act of worship.
I look at it this way. God supplies my needs, and all I have is His. Out of all the blessings I have I give to others. No obligation other than the desire God put in me to give. I am “obeying the Law that is written on my heart” but not under any legal or covenant obligation.
I think much of the corruption in the church today is around the tithe as many pastors have burdened their church with this Law and then worry more about money than lifting up Jesus. We cannot serve God and Mammon…. Yet, many of our pastors are doing just that and wonder why they are struggling. Likewise, most often the idea of some blessing is obligated from God once one tithes… what does God owe any man?
So many are taught they are poor because they do not tithe, yet, they are poor because they are tithing and under the ministry of condemnation which is what the Law is about. (See 2 Corinthians 3: 8-10 for the contrast of the two ministries)



Thinking about revival…

July 6, 2010
People speak of revival as if God is “out there” waiting to come down if we “repent” or do some other magical things. It is as if they see God is far away and can’t come down unless everything is perfect. Yet, true revival is letting Christ in you OUT of you. By doing the things of God, you are creating revival (or Resurrection) all around you as God works in and through you. If Jesus lives in you, how much closer can He get to you?



Two things I have learned that have helped my faith.

April 26, 2010

Two things I have learned that have helped me grow in my faith.
1. If you come to the end of your rope… grease that sucker and let go… it is there you will meet God as you are completely in His Hands.
2. Trusting God is like trying to float… the more you try to float, the more you sink… yet, as you relax and let the water support you, you begin to float. Once you depend on God to float you is when you truly trust God.
3. Bonus: God is God and you are not. You are His creation flaws and all. God is not surprised at your flaws… He is very aware at who you are. He is more aware of who you are that YOU are. God has not called you to be perfect… in fact the verse in Matthew 5:48 actually should not be “be perfect” but “be mature” or “be full of age”… God calls us to maturity not perfection. God is perfect and you are not… and once you accept that, you will mature in your faith. Jesus was the only proven perfect One. Be clothed in Christ and His perfection.
Matthew 5:48 (Amplified Bible)
48You, therefore, must be perfect [growing into complete maturity of godliness in mind and character, having reached the proper height of virtue and integrity], as your heavenly Father is perfect.



Of Grace, Jennifer Knapp and gay Christians… an email dialog

April 15, 2010
This is a recent dialog via email between a friend and me. I think in some ways it expresses my feelings and where I am with the “gay Christian” debate. The point of this email exchange was not that I am right or he is right, but that it is taking place.
To iggy:
This quote shows such an ignorance of Scripture. What kind of effective ‘ministering’ could she have been doing all those years as a ‘Christian’ artist?
Knapp: The Bible has literally saved my life. I find myself between a Rock and a hard place-between the conservative evangelical who uses what most people refer to as the “clobber verses” to refer to this loving relationship as an abomination, while they’re eating shellfish and wearing clothes of five different fabrics, and various other Scriptures we could argue about. I’m not capable of getting into the theological argument as to whether or not we should or shouldn’t allow homosexuals within our church.
To Friend:
What kind of effective ministering do any of us do except what is done by and through the Holy Spirit? I had some of the most effective times dealing with some people while I was deep in doubt and using drugs and drinking…
Yet, not I that live; but Christ… and in the times I gave in to Jesus
And let Him do it, it was effective. Other times… it was just kindling. There is a lot of effective kindling out there in the church today… believe me.
To: iggy
Subject: Re:
However, she seems to show a real lack of understanding on some basics.
C’mon comparing homosexuality to SHELLFISH!
That’s why I’ve been gravitating towards Catholicism lately. They’ve got their priorities in order.
Although I understand your point.
To Friend:
Actually, many Christians use the verses in Leviticus to bash gay people…these same passages state we are not to eat shrimp, lobster, or wear clothes with mixed materials… in that case I am greatly in sin as I LOVE shrimp and lobster and most much I wear are mixed materials. The point is what of the Law carries over into our lives as New Creations?
There are better arguments on both sides… for me I take each person as an individual… as Paul states, “I do not even judge myself though my conscience is clear, for a clear conscience does not mean I am innocent.”(Slightly paraphrased)
To me, I see it as an area of identity, and we all have dark areas we struggle with… and some we do not. I let the Holy Spirit do His job in people… It is His job to convict of sin. So if someone at one point does not see his or her “sin” as sin the way I do, I let be. Of course it is harming others like murder of pedophilia I would do all I could for the safety of others, yet in prison, I would walk and talk about things with the person and let God work in them.
The bashing technique does not work. It only polarizes and hardens the other person… I am not fully convinced it is ok to be gay any more than I am convinced how most evangelicals deal with homosexuals is not also in a sinful manner. I fall somewhere in the middle where you feel the heat from all sides. Though by changing my approach I have found gay people more open to God and grace than ever… and were sin is, Grace abounds… where there is Grace, Jesus is at work… where Jesus is, Hope is there.
Just being the controversial thinker I am… = /
To: iggy
Subject: Re:
Yep…I’m not pointing the finger at anyone! It’s just the blatant disregard for obvious Scriptural truth that frustrates me. There are certainly gray areas but I don’t think this is one of them. 1Cor.5:11 Paul says but now I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone WHO CALLS HIMSELF A BROTHER but is sexually immoral or greedy…etc…with such a man do not even eat”.
Not that I wouldn’t have lunch with Jennie…but……….
To Friend:
I think the difference is context… in Corinth; the man openly bragged about sleeping with his father’s wife… and used grace as an excuse. Yet, in most cases of a gay relationship, it is not about abusing or flaunting grace but about attraction and love. Again, I am not sold on the gay is ok argument, yet, I do see that some of the arguments place verses as this is better context than the approved understanding.
Now, take homosexuality out of it… if a person is in a monogamous relationship for 8 years, though unmarried but still faithful to the other person, is that sexually immoral? If you read what the bible literally states in Genesis, Adam, and Eve were created for each other… but it does not say anywhere they were married. Also, in some cases as in two brothers who live together, if one of the brothers die, the other is commanded to take the brothers wife as his own, sleep with her to carry on the family. This is regardless to having a wife already… is that the sanctity of marriage the bible is ALL about? It was what God told Moses to tell His people to do… it was God approving polygamy. Is polygamy immoral? If I am a polygamist and I have multiply wives and I sleep with more than one at a time is that immoral… God’s word says it is not as what goes on in the marriage bed is pure…
By switching on one filter and reading the bible one way I can have God approved of only what I see as right. Jesus said that “God created them man and woman” and that is taken as what marriage is to be… One verse, yet many more verses state polygamy is fine and sanctioned by God.
Again, if a man is sleeping only with one woman and is committed to her are they married in the eyes of God or do they also need man’s testimony by means of a legal paper? What makes a marriage? Is it the legal paper that holds marriages together or determination of the to who claim to love each other? I am not arguing against marriage, so don’t take me wrong.
If a couple who is gay live in a monogamous relationship, and are moral citizens in all regards, are they immoral?
Now to add to all this what about woman being silent in church? It is also in Corinthians and is taught as being cultural… Yet, if we take it as we do the verse you gave we should not. What if both are cultural? What if the idea is that of the Roman rape that was done not out of sexual identity, but out of brutality? Roman Caesars were known to rape other men to show their power over them… as well as the Roman guards would do so to humiliate those they conquered; in fact this practice is still used today as I recall that the torture chambers of Saddam Hussein were spoken of doing this to both men and women.
The main argument is that in the passage you gave, Paul made up a word… there were words that meant exactly what we may take gay or homosexual to mean today, yet.
1) ANDROKOITHS, having intercourse with a man
2) ARRENOGAMEW, to marry men
3) ARRENOKOITHS, a sodomite (in the Attic form)
4) ARRENOMANHS, mad after males
5) ARRENOMIKTHS, a sodomite
6) ARSENOMIKTHS, also a sodomite
7) ARRENOMICIA, the word for sodomy itself
8) ARRENOPIPHS, one who looks lewdly on males.
Paul makes up a word out of two words…
Paul takes two words and makes them one. “ARSENOS KOITHN” Its meaning is vague… but roughly means soft male or effeminate male… as in the case of male prostitutes… It is somewhat like the cultural reference some use to say woman should not speak in church… as woman priestesses/prostitutes were the ones that spoke with authority and Paul did not want these woman to gain power in Corinth… thus stated they should remain quite. If this word is more about the male prostitutes then it does not have much to do with the typical gay couple who love each other in a monogamous relationship.
As you can see I can argue both sides… I can sound convincing on both sides… but am I convinced either way? No. The point is that it is not all as cut-and-dry as it seems… and in a real sense I appreciate Jennifer Knapp’s honest answer… to me it is more honest than I have ever read before from someone in her position. There is no doubt she loves the Lord… and no doubt that she cannot deny who she is. The bottom line is the bible states that we should not judge things before the appointed time. Meaning in the end all will be judged by the words of Christ Jesus. Until then all of us who believe are given grace and faith to walk in the grace we receive. Some walk more boldly though appear to be more worldly… and some walk more timidly and with less faith though they appear in our eyes more holy and pure… God judges the heart and our inner being. As I stated already, even a clear conscience means nothing… we can so easily deceive our self.
To iggy:
Don’t get me wrong…homosexuality is just like any other sin as far as I’m concerned. What I have a problem with is the flagrant ‘in your face’ attitude.
To Friend:
My main problem is not about the “sin”… I know many heterosexual marriages that are just wrong and should have never been…
I see it a matter of grace. As far as grace I see no real limits, as far as a persons struggle in Grace, I believe if allowed, Love is the winner. As far as a person and their personal battle, I view them first as a believer and then deal with whatever their struggle is.
I have a friend who is a medical marijuana advocate. I am in agreement with him and see nothing wrong with what he does as far as that. Yet, he has another issue. He was a pothead before Jesus. He is a user and has found mental and physical reasons to keep using. It is deeper than that also. He is a user of people. His view of a friendship is what others add to his project. He wanted me to help validate his “ministry” to help those who need medical marijuana. When I was unable to get back to him for a while due to my surgery and other things, he began to leave messages that if I did not call him back I did not love him.
He has issues deeper than smoking pot. He has emotional/spiritual issues that go deep that he uses pot to mask. I go back and forth with the idea that God gave pot for people like him to bear with life or that my friend can only be turned over to the hands of God for Him to deal with, as I cannot.
I have friends who are gay. One left was gay all his life, got married, had children, yet left his wife for drugs, (gay) sex and rock and roll… after 20 years he and his wife got back together. I have known him for about 6 years now… he still sees himself as gay, yet because of his marriage vows sees he has made a sacrifice for his marriage. He loves his wife of course and even sends me articles stating that a gay person can have a fulfilling heterosexual marriage because of the love for the other. I have other friends who are openly lesbian and speaks of her “wife” lovely… and she is very much vocal about her faith in Jesus. She lived many years as a “straight” woman until she could not bear with the inner truth about her sexuality. In her mind, she is freer now in many ways than she was living in fear of being found out, and exposed. I know a couple in my church whose son is gay and left the church because he found no acceptance. They hurt so much and as I talk to them they see me as encouraging in that I accept gay people and see them like anyone else.
I realized a while back, I cannot change anyone, and if I did it would be worse for them as they would be in my image of who they should be. Instead now, I see that God has a handle on many things I did not see before. If God changes me in some way (or not) I must accept what I am given and live with it until God does something.
I know I am far from perfect… and yet God loves me…
Again, to me it is a case by case issue. I know there are some who are gay who believe it is a sin… so as I see it, it is to them. If that is the case then they need to follow the journey God has for them. If someone does not… regardless to whether I do or not, most likely I will not convince them any more than I can convince my pothead friend of his own deeper need. In the end, I can love them and accept them as Christ loves and accepts me. I can be there in their good times and in their bad times.
If I meet a man who gleefully speaks of rape and the Grace of God, I would not have fellowship with him. Yet, the majority of gay people I know, I would not hesitate to sit with them anymore than Jesus did with the sinners He ate with.



Of Grace, Jennifer Knapp and gay Christians… an email dialog

April 15, 2010
This is a recent dialog via email between a friend and me. I think in some ways it expresses my feelings and where I am with the “gay Christian” debate. The point of this email exchange was not that I am right or he is right, but that it is taking place.
To iggy:
This quote shows such an ignorance of Scripture. What kind of effective ‘ministering’ could she have been doing all those years as a ‘Christian’ artist?
Knapp: The Bible has literally saved my life. I find myself between a Rock and a hard place-between the conservative evangelical who uses what most people refer to as the “clobber verses” to refer to this loving relationship as an abomination, while they’re eating shellfish and wearing clothes of five different fabrics, and various other Scriptures we could argue about. I’m not capable of getting into the theological argument as to whether or not we should or shouldn’t allow homosexuals within our church.
To Friend:
What kind of effective ministering do any of us do except what is done by and through the Holy Spirit? I had some of the most effective times dealing with some people while I was deep in doubt and using drugs and drinking…
Yet, not I that live; but Christ… and in the times I gave in to Jesus
And let Him do it, it was effective. Other times… it was just kindling. There is a lot of effective kindling out there in the church today… believe me.
To: iggy
Subject: Re:
However, she seems to show a real lack of understanding on some basics.
C’mon comparing homosexuality to SHELLFISH!
That’s why I’ve been gravitating towards Catholicism lately. They’ve got their priorities in order.
Although I understand your point.
To Friend:
Actually, many Christians use the verses in Leviticus to bash gay people…these same passages state we are not to eat shrimp, lobster, or wear clothes with mixed materials… in that case I am greatly in sin as I LOVE shrimp and lobster and most much I wear are mixed materials. The point is what of the Law carries over into our lives as New Creations?
There are better arguments on both sides… for me I take each person as an individual… as Paul states, “I do not even judge myself though my conscience is clear, for a clear conscience does not mean I am innocent.”(Slightly paraphrased)
To me, I see it as an area of identity, and we all have dark areas we struggle with… and some we do not. I let the Holy Spirit do His job in people… It is His job to convict of sin. So if someone at one point does not see his or her “sin” as sin the way I do, I let be. Of course it is harming others like murder of pedophilia I would do all I could for the safety of others, yet in prison, I would walk and talk about things with the person and let God work in them.
The bashing technique does not work. It only polarizes and hardens the other person… I am not fully convinced it is ok to be gay any more than I am convinced how most evangelicals deal with homosexuals is not also in a sinful manner. I fall somewhere in the middle where you feel the heat from all sides. Though by changing my approach I have found gay people more open to God and grace than ever… and were sin is, Grace abounds… where there is Grace, Jesus is at work… where Jesus is, Hope is there.
Just being the controversial thinker I am… = /
To: iggy
Subject: Re:
Yep…I’m not pointing the finger at anyone! It’s just the blatant disregard for obvious Scriptural truth that frustrates me. There are certainly gray areas but I don’t think this is one of them. 1Cor.5:11 Paul says but now I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone WHO CALLS HIMSELF A BROTHER but is sexually immoral or greedy…etc…with such a man do not even eat”.
Not that I wouldn’t have lunch with Jennie…but……….
To Friend:
I think the difference is context… in Corinth; the man openly bragged about sleeping with his father’s wife… and used grace as an excuse. Yet, in most cases of a gay relationship, it is not about abusing or flaunting grace but about attraction and love. Again, I am not sold on the gay is ok argument, yet, I do see that some of the arguments place verses as this is better context than the approved understanding.
Now, take homosexuality out of it… if a person is in a monogamous relationship for 8 years, though unmarried but still faithful to the other person, is that sexually immoral? If you read what the bible literally states in Genesis, Adam, and Eve were created for each other… but it does not say anywhere they were married. Also, in some cases as in two brothers who live together, if one of the brothers die, the other is commanded to take the brothers wife as his own, sleep with her to carry on the family. This is regardless to having a wife already… is that the sanctity of marriage the bible is ALL about? It was what God told Moses to tell His people to do… it was God approving polygamy. Is polygamy immoral? If I am a polygamist and I have multiply wives and I sleep with more than one at a time is that immoral… God’s word says it is not as what goes on in the marriage bed is pure…
By switching on one filter and reading the bible one way I can have God approved of only what I see as right. Jesus said that “God created them man and woman” and that is taken as what marriage is to be… One verse, yet many more verses state polygamy is fine and sanctioned by God.
Again, if a man is sleeping only with one woman and is committed to her are they married in the eyes of God or do they also need man’s testimony by means of a legal paper? What makes a marriage? Is it the legal paper that holds marriages together or determination of the to who claim to love each other? I am not arguing against marriage, so don’t take me wrong.
If a couple who is gay live in a monogamous relationship, and are moral citizens in all regards, are they immoral?
Now to add to all this what about woman being silent in church? It is also in Corinthians and is taught as being cultural… Yet, if we take it as we do the verse you gave we should not. What if both are cultural? What if the idea is that of the Roman rape that was done not out of sexual identity, but out of brutality? Roman Caesars were known to rape other men to show their power over them… as well as the Roman guards would do so to humiliate those they conquered; in fact this practice is still used today as I recall that the torture chambers of Saddam Hussein were spoken of doing this to both men and women.
The main argument is that in the passage you gave, Paul made up a word… there were words that meant exactly what we may take gay or homosexual to mean today, yet.
1) ANDROKOITHS, having intercourse with a man
2) ARRENOGAMEW, to marry men
3) ARRENOKOITHS, a sodomite (in the Attic form)
4) ARRENOMANHS, mad after males
5) ARRENOMIKTHS, a sodomite
6) ARSENOMIKTHS, also a sodomite
7) ARRENOMICIA, the word for sodomy itself
8) ARRENOPIPHS, one who looks lewdly on males.
Paul makes up a word out of two words…
Paul takes two words and makes them one. “ARSENOS KOITHN” Its meaning is vague… but roughly means soft male or effeminate male… as in the case of male prostitutes… It is somewhat like the cultural reference some use to say woman should not speak in church… as woman priestesses/prostitutes were the ones that spoke with authority and Paul did not want these woman to gain power in Corinth… thus stated they should remain quite. If this word is more about the male prostitutes then it does not have much to do with the typical gay couple who love each other in a monogamous relationship.
As you can see I can argue both sides… I can sound convincing on both sides… but am I convinced either way? No. The point is that it is not all as cut-and-dry as it seems… and in a real sense I appreciate Jennifer Knapp’s honest answer… to me it is more honest than I have ever read before from someone in her position. There is no doubt she loves the Lord… and no doubt that she cannot deny who she is. The bottom line is the bible states that we should not judge things before the appointed time. Meaning in the end all will be judged by the words of Christ Jesus. Until then all of us who believe are given grace and faith to walk in the grace we receive. Some walk more boldly though appear to be more worldly… and some walk more timidly and with less faith though they appear in our eyes more holy and pure… God judges the heart and our inner being. As I stated already, even a clear conscience means nothing… we can so easily deceive our self.
To iggy:
Don’t get me wrong…homosexuality is just like any other sin as far as I’m concerned. What I have a problem with is the flagrant ‘in your face’ attitude.
To Friend:
My main problem is not about the “sin”… I know many heterosexual marriages that are just wrong and should have never been…
I see it a matter of grace. As far as grace I see no real limits, as far as a persons struggle in Grace, I believe if allowed, Love is the winner. As far as a person and their personal battle, I view them first as a believer and then deal with whatever their struggle is.
I have a friend who is a medical marijuana advocate. I am in agreement with him and see nothing wrong with what he does as far as that. Yet, he has another issue. He was a pothead before Jesus. He is a user and has found mental and physical reasons to keep using. It is deeper than that also. He is a user of people. His view of a friendship is what others add to his project. He wanted me to help validate his “ministry” to help those who need medical marijuana. When I was unable to get back to him for a while due to my surgery and other things, he began to leave messages that if I did not call him back I did not love him.
He has issues deeper than smoking pot. He has emotional/spiritual issues that go deep that he uses pot to mask. I go back and forth with the idea that God gave pot for people like him to bear with life or that my friend can only be turned over to the hands of God for Him to deal with, as I cannot.
I have friends who are gay. One left was gay all his life, got married, had children, yet left his wife for drugs, (gay) sex and rock and roll… after 20 years he and his wife got back together. I have known him for about 6 years now… he still sees himself as gay, yet because of his marriage vows sees he has made a sacrifice for his marriage. He loves his wife of course and even sends me articles stating that a gay person can have a fulfilling heterosexual marriage because of the love for the other. I have other friends who are openly lesbian and speaks of her “wife” lovely… and she is very much vocal about her faith in Jesus. She lived many years as a “straight” woman until she could not bear with the inner truth about her sexuality. In her mind, she is freer now in many ways than she was living in fear of being found out, and exposed. I know a couple in my church whose son is gay and left the church because he found no acceptance. They hurt so much and as I talk to them they see me as encouraging in that I accept gay people and see them like anyone else.
I realized a while back, I cannot change anyone, and if I did it would be worse for them as they would be in my image of who they should be. Instead now, I see that God has a handle on many things I did not see before. If God changes me in some way (or not) I must accept what I am given and live with it until God does something.
I know I am far from perfect… and yet God loves me…
Again, to me it is a case by case issue. I know there are some who are gay who believe it is a sin… so as I see it, it is to them. If that is the case then they need to follow the journey God has for them. If someone does not… regardless to whether I do or not, most likely I will not convince them any more than I can convince my pothead friend of his own deeper need. In the end, I can love them and accept them as Christ loves and accepts me. I can be there in their good times and in their bad times.
If I meet a man who gleefully speaks of rape and the Grace of God, I would not have fellowship with him. Yet, the majority of gay people I know, I would not hesitate to sit with them anymore than Jesus did with the sinners He ate with.



The Brian McLaren and Spencer Burke

January 20, 2010

I should be getting the book soon… I hope.



Gov’t Mule: I shall return

January 17, 2010
I am not sure what Warren Haynes means by these lyrics, but for some reason they are hauntingly prophetic to me. In a way they seem like the words of Jesus as they speak of dying yet returning. Personally, it speaks of resurrection…
The first video is the song with just the lyrics. The second one is Warren Haynes and Gov’t Mule performing the song. Enjoy.
I shall return
As this wheel goes ’round and I search to find my way
Struggle just to hold on through an ordinary day
I do believe I’m slipping away
But I shall return though I’m losing myself
I shall return
I shall return from the depths of my own hell
I shall return
Fate should not have blinded me
For your beauty steals my eyes
and what good is my wisdom
when there are no words to say
How I feel everyday
But I shall return though I’m losing myself
I shall return
I shall return from the depths of my own hell
I shall return
Daylight finds me sleeping dreaming of my youth
But darkness calls my name out loud
And I answer to the truth
But I shall return though I’m losing myself
I shall return
I shall return from the depths of my own hell
I shall return
Oh, I shall return though I’m losing myself
I shall return
I shall return from the depths of my own hell
I shall return



Gabba Gabba Hey!

January 11, 2010
I have been taking a beating so far in my view on what must be done to reach the gay community. It is heartbreaking to have a friend stab you in the back with false accusations of “embracing sin”… as it is frightening to have some come and encourage me as I know I may not fully agree with their view either. My only hope is to encourage all to a closer, loving, and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.
There is so much baggage cast out against someone who is gay. I have already met parents with gay children who can hear what I am saying and are finding hope. They understand what I mean as they process the horrible isolation someone who faces same sex attraction must go through. They understand why their son or daughter does not come to church or see why Jesus would not accept them. And that is core to the issue. Acceptance. If one comes to understand he or she is accepted by God, great and wonderful things begin to happen. New Life begins and they change! Yet so often we stand in the door to heaven and keep thinking we are ushering in those Jesus is drawing to Himself, yet instead we are blocking those Jesus drew out. We set on them a higher standard than God set on us. Often we just do not see this yet; there is a type of favoritism in the church that needs to be driven out.
You see this is the issue… when we look at proving one side or the other we either have tempers raised and accusations tossed out… or we have the attempt to legitimize sin (Again I define sin as anything that comes between you and a close intimate, growing, relationship with God.)
Instead, the focus of our faith is and should NOT be sin, but Jesus. For no one can change someone else. I can take a bottle of booze from a drunk but then he is a sober drunk… I never changed them. Instead, we clean the outside of the cup but Jesus cleans the inside. Therefore, it is the same with anything that could come between a person and their relationship with God. When we focus on Jesus, then we no longer see sin! For Jesus was the Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world… yours and mine. We then can see a beloved brother or sister that Jesus died for and gave new life to.
Therefore, it is in no way the acceptance or embracing of sin… it is the embracing of Jesus for all His Resurrected Life that is imparted to us. It is embracing the abundant Life. It is letting all we are that is not Christ fall away and God become all in all of you as a person.
If this is heresy then burn me at the stake. All I am saying is if we focus on sin, it should be our OWN. Yet, even with ourselves, we should face Jesus and not our sin for only Jesus takes sin away. If we are facing our sin we are not facing Jesus, it is like when we face the sun…. We do not see our shadow, but if we turn away from the sun, then we see a distorted view of our self in the shadow.
Even to tell someone he or she is a sinner is futile most the time. A person can rationalize their position and sere their conscience. Only the Holy Spirit can convict a person to change. Only God can corner someone with a question that can only be truthfully answered. If we try then we are making someone settle for less than the inner workings of the Holy Spirit…
We can walk with someone through his or her struggles and pain, his or her joy and success and accept the person unconditionally with the same love God accepted us. So all I can say to those who feel outside is something that was coined by the Ramones. “Gabba Gabba we accept you! One of us!”
To those of you who understand what I am saying or even if you do not, pray for me.



The God of Show and Tell… or is it Tell and Show?

December 28, 2009
The God of Show and Tell… or is it Tell and Show?
The other day my Kids had “show and tell”. You know, when they take something important to them to school to share with the other kids… like when my daughter Ciana brought her silver jewelry box to school and was so excited to show it and tell how her Auntie gave it to her. I began to think about God and what He showed us through Jesus. God did not just “tell” us how to live, rather God told us and then through Jesus showed us… thus, God is the God of show and tell… or rather, Tell and Show. In fact, if you get right down to it, Through the bible we see God telling us how to live and then through the incarnation of Jesus, showing us how to live, and died… and then live again. With this, we have a model of how we are to live, die and live again.
Now many people just view this as living now, dying now and living again later, but what is happening is that we are doing all of this “now” for “later”. We live now to die not for death’s sake, but for Christ’s sake so we may live again in abundant life. This New Life in Christ starts “now” and for those who are “in Christ” continues into the “later” or New Creation, which is the fulfillment of “on earth as it is in Heaven.”
Rob Bell, in his book Velvet Elvis talks about the idea that we live either in or for heaven “now” or in and for hell “now” which then is part of the decision as to where we spend eternity later. This is not about works salvation, but whether one lives out the New Life that comes in us from Jesus or we keep hold of the old life. In the bible, (Matt 25: 31-46) there is the parable of the sheep and goats who hold to their “beliefs” to save them. Yet the sheep find they are the ones that did the things that God desires. The rub is that those who held to “believism” did not enter into the Kingdom, while those who did the work of the Kingdom now, entered in the Kingdom for eternity. This is scandalous if you think about it! Those who believe “rightly” are punished? Why are they punished? They were just tellers of the Word but not, “Show and tellers” of the Word. (Now I know technically it is Tell and Show, yet I am not about to set in stone some formula as I find God sometimes has one show others the Gospel so they can earn the right to tell the “other” the Gospel, so for now the idea of “show and tell” is interchangeable.)
In God’s telling and showing, we learn that what one believes is not enough. We see this in how Jesus confronted the Pharisees for their “correct” belief, yet their doing or showing was inadequate. They would tithe the smallest of amounts even down to the spices they had, and meanwhile let someone starve in their city. They would pass by someone they deemed “unworthy” or less worthy of God’s mercy and grace as they saw them “unclean” and if touched would defile them. They clung tightly to their own righteousness…
Paul Tillich writes about the Pharisees “righteousness”… (To be honest I am still sorting this out in my own heart and head) Jesus fully acknowledged the Pharisees as “righteous”. Tillich states that the righteousness of a Pharisee was a very high standard; even Jesus stated that one’s righteousness must surpass that of the Pharisee to get into Heaven! To be clear, there is no argument allowed to claim the Pharisees as being unrighteous. Yet, by whose righteousness do we get into the Kingdom of Heaven? The Apostle Paul makes it clear that it is only by the righteousness of Christ we make it in to the Kingdom. Rom 1: 17. For in the gospel righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.” It is not our own righteousness that gives us life… For all the righteousness of the Pharisee, the Law could not give them eternal life for the Life is in the Son. (John 3:36; 1 John 5: 10-11) One must have life to live… forgiveness is not enough… I like how Luke puts it in Acts 1:1
In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and to teach
Jesus came to tell us and show us how to believe and live and that is our challenge… to allow Jesus to do that today in and through us. We are now called to let Jesus live His life in and through us today and forever and to tell and show others of The Way, the Truth, and the Life of Jesus.
