Archive for the ‘articles’ Category


Around the Blogosphere

February 24, 2008
It is that time again when I look outside my little bubble and see what everyone else is doing. And this is what I found…
Castro stepped down… so now who will lead Cuba?
Origin of the Dead Son’s Portrait
Tall Skinny gives the skinny on the most sinful cities in America… so when is the road trip?
John O’keefe asks, “what part of love don’t we understand?”
Jason Clark recommends and also welcomes you to hell week… which should be pretty interesting.
On the “this makes me sick” side of things, some are voting if Doug Pagitt is a heretic or not… Doug Pagitt. Heretic or Not? – CWN
This should hold you over for a while…
Be blessed,

Around the Blogosphere

February 24, 2008
It is that time again when I look outside my little bubble and see what everyone else is doing. And this is what I found…
Castro stepped down… so now who will lead Cuba?
Origin of the Dead Son’s Portrait
Tall Skinny gives the skinny on the most sinful cities in America… so when is the road trip?
John O’keefe asks, “what part of love don’t we understand?”
Jason Clark recommends and also welcomes you to hell week… which should be pretty interesting.
On the “this makes me sick” side of things, some are voting if Doug Pagitt is a heretic or not… Doug Pagitt. Heretic or Not? – CWN
This should hold you over for a while…
Be blessed,

Great Calvinists: Abraham Piper article

November 28, 2007

Sometimes I just get frustrated with some Calvinists, and in that see all in the same light, but thank God some are not just mean spirited cusses… Some are truly Desiring God.

Here is an excerpt from an article by Abraham Piper .

“There is a letter on Scot McKnight’s blog from a pastor who is very frustrated with certain Calvinists in his church. It would be easy enough to disregard it, pointing out that not all Calvinists are like that or that his use of the word “hyper-Calvinist” doesn’t match correct theological jargon. But that would be missing the point. And, ironically, that reaction would only lend credence to the frustration that motivated the letter in the first place.”

Read the whole article here. Be a Kinder Calvinist

I for one was refreshed and blessed by this article.



Great Calvinists: Abraham Piper article

November 28, 2007

Sometimes I just get frustrated with some Calvinists, and in that see all in the same light, but thank God some are not just mean spirited cusses… Some are truly Desiring God.

Here is an excerpt from an article by Abraham Piper .

“There is a letter on Scot McKnight’s blog from a pastor who is very frustrated with certain Calvinists in his church. It would be easy enough to disregard it, pointing out that not all Calvinists are like that or that his use of the word “hyper-Calvinist” doesn’t match correct theological jargon. But that would be missing the point. And, ironically, that reaction would only lend credence to the frustration that motivated the letter in the first place.”

Read the whole article here. Be a Kinder Calvinist

I for one was refreshed and blessed by this article.



Around the blogosphere…

November 18, 2007

Under two birds with one stone:

Robbymac tells us Emerging Grace has moved to wordpress and is now Kingdom Grace, so you will need to update your links. (I am still here at blogger after many experiments… I wonder if I will be the last hold out!)

Under our buy one you get two sale:
Fellow blogger user and Vineyard guy, (not to mention one of my favorite Calvinists… and I am not kidding), Rick Ianniello has two posts one on prophecy is not preaching and in the other he goes retro cool on us with Larry Norman.

More on preaching department:

Out of Ur has an interesting article if you preach with Preaching to Express, not Impress.

Under the I have not read that one yet… but he has department:

Scott at Theopraxis has an article on Brian McLaren’s book Everything Must Change and shares his thoughts on it.

Under the personal thoughts and open to discussion department:

Dan Kimball has an post where he talks on his view of hell a bit. And I agree that we should talk a bit more about it.

Oh that picture is by Matthew Hurst who has been mapping the blogosphere… I thought it was pretty cool.
Be blessed,

Around the blogosphere…

November 18, 2007

Under two birds with one stone:

Robbymac tells us Emerging Grace has moved to wordpress and is now Kingdom Grace, so you will need to update your links. (I am still here at blogger after many experiments… I wonder if I will be the last hold out!)

Under our buy one you get two sale:
Fellow blogger user and Vineyard guy, (not to mention one of my favorite Calvinists… and I am not kidding), Rick Ianniello has two posts one on prophecy is not preaching and in the other he goes retro cool on us with Larry Norman.

More on preaching department:

Out of Ur has an interesting article if you preach with Preaching to Express, not Impress.

Under the I have not read that one yet… but he has department:

Scott at Theopraxis has an article on Brian McLaren’s book Everything Must Change and shares his thoughts on it.

Under the personal thoughts and open to discussion department:

Dan Kimball has an post where he talks on his view of hell a bit. And I agree that we should talk a bit more about it.

Oh that picture is by Matthew Hurst who has been mapping the blogosphere… I thought it was pretty cool.
Be blessed,

The Gospel According to John MacArthur

November 2, 2007

John W. Robbins wrote an interesting article that when I read it I had to laugh as much of what i have found true of Macarthur’s “Gospel” is stated by Dr. Robbins.

A bit about J.W. Robbins. First he is no fly by night “Trout” anti MacArthur propagandist. In fact even if much that is right on about some of those guys, there is also much to be said about staying away from them also. So many that “attack” MacArthur are on the fringe.

Now though there are many that are biblical scholars that stand up and review the actual theology of MacArthur. I see Dr. Robbins in this category.

Here is his bio.

Here is a bit of the article on John MacArthur’s theology:

“MacArthur rejects the Biblical view of justification and adopts the Roman Catholic view: “Many people believe justified means ‘just-as-if-I’d-never-sinned.’ In other words, God says, ‘I count you righteous even though you’re really not.’ It is true that God makes that declaration, but there is also a reality of righteousness. We are not only declared righteous; we are made righteous”(Justification by Faith, 1988, 98). This making righteous is accomplished by infusing Christ’s righteousness into Christians: “God actually credits righteousness to our account. He imputes righteousness to us; he infuses divine life into us. He regenerates and sanctifies us. He makes the unholy holy, and therefore declares that we are righteous…. There is a reality–God gives us righteousness, and thus he can declare that we are righteous” (Justification, 121). MacArthur writes: “The believing sinner is justified by righteousness infused into him” (Justification, 122).”

Here is the whole article.

Download the PDF version of this review.

Here is a link to the The Westminster Confession of Faith at the Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics

Be blessed,


The Gospel According to John MacArthur

November 2, 2007

John W. Robbins wrote an interesting article that when I read it I had to laugh as much of what i have found true of Macarthur’s “Gospel” is stated by Dr. Robbins.

A bit about J.W. Robbins. First he is no fly by night “Trout” anti MacArthur propagandist. In fact even if much that is right on about some of those guys, there is also much to be said about staying away from them also. So many that “attack” MacArthur are on the fringe.

Now though there are many that are biblical scholars that stand up and review the actual theology of MacArthur. I see Dr. Robbins in this category.

Here is his bio.

Here is a bit of the article on John MacArthur’s theology:

“MacArthur rejects the Biblical view of justification and adopts the Roman Catholic view: “Many people believe justified means ‘just-as-if-I’d-never-sinned.’ In other words, God says, ‘I count you righteous even though you’re really not.’ It is true that God makes that declaration, but there is also a reality of righteousness. We are not only declared righteous; we are made righteous”(Justification by Faith, 1988, 98). This making righteous is accomplished by infusing Christ’s righteousness into Christians: “God actually credits righteousness to our account. He imputes righteousness to us; he infuses divine life into us. He regenerates and sanctifies us. He makes the unholy holy, and therefore declares that we are righteous…. There is a reality–God gives us righteousness, and thus he can declare that we are righteous” (Justification, 121). MacArthur writes: “The believing sinner is justified by righteousness infused into him” (Justification, 122).”

Here is the whole article.

Download the PDF version of this review.

Here is a link to the The Westminster Confession of Faith at the Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics

Be blessed,


Hackman the Blogger.

October 9, 2007
I kept getting these hits from and every time I go there I read something I like. So…

Here are a couple things I have read there.

If you have not heard of “the wink” that’s OK… it was started by Doug Padgitt as a rebuttal to the accusations tossed at him. Hackman’s Musings does a great job at covering the debate over this… (stupid*) situation.

*OK stupid in the way that the MacArthur camp has declared war on their brothers in Christ and are acting very childish in how they are doing it. I see that someone like Doug can only take so much of the lies and slander, as we cannot all be a graceful as Brian McLaren is with his critics.

Hackman also does a great post on the misuse of scripture.

I will also as I have time add his blog to my blog-roll. He has a great blog and is a great read… be sure to sign this “Free Burma” petition and the one below.

Be Blessed,

Free Burma! Petition Widget

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Hackman the Blogger.

October 9, 2007
I kept getting these hits from and every time I go there I read something I like. So…

Here are a couple things I have read there.

If you have not heard of “the wink” that’s OK… it was started by Doug Padgitt as a rebuttal to the accusations tossed at him. Hackman’s Musings does a great job at covering the debate over this… (stupid*) situation.

*OK stupid in the way that the MacArthur camp has declared war on their brothers in Christ and are acting very childish in how they are doing it. I see that someone like Doug can only take so much of the lies and slander, as we cannot all be a graceful as Brian McLaren is with his critics.

Hackman also does a great post on the misuse of scripture.

I will also as I have time add his blog to my blog-roll. He has a great blog and is a great read… be sure to sign this “Free Burma” petition and the one below.

Be Blessed,

Free Burma! Petition Widget

Name: (required)


