Archive for the ‘politics’ Category


My politcal view

February 13, 2011

Liberalism should not be a catch all any more than conservatism… it causes unnecessary division and confusion instead of Christ-like unity and reconciliation. It is like having two monkeys fighting over a banana only to mush it before it can be used. In Christ there is no liberal or conservative, no Jew or Gentile, no male or female, no slave or master… the wall of division came down with the Cross… the empowerment to give justice, mercy, life, freedom, forgiveness came at the Resurrection through the Life of Christ who lives in and through those who believe. To make such nonsense over who is right and who is wrong only proves the bible when it states “no one is right… not one” (paraphrased on purpose) and that all our rightness comes only through Jesus. If we believe this, compassion and love will never be confused as liberalism, but be seen as Christ in us our only hope.

That is my political view.


Philippians 2:4-5

March 24, 2010

Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others. Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.- Philippians 2:4-5

How does that verse fit into your political views?




New Constitutional Amendment

November 10, 2009
Proposed 28th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States:
“Congress shall make no law that applies to any citizen of the United States that does not apply equally to all U.S. Senators and Representatives and Congress shall make no law that applies to any U.S. Senator or Representative that does not apply equally to all citizens of the United States. All existing laws and regulations that do not meet these criteria are herewith null and void.”
 Not sure who started this but I like it. Feel free to pass it along.



Planned Parenthood Director resigns after viewing ultrasound of abortion

November 3, 2009



Maybe not a political joke… or is it?

October 24, 2009
I was walking past the mental hospital the other day, and all the patients were shouting, ’13….13….13.’

The fence was too high to see over, but I saw a little gap in the planks, so I looked through to see what was going on…..

Some idiot poked me in the eye with a stick!

Then they all started shouting ’14….14….14’…



Conversations between liberals and conservatives

October 2, 2009
This is how many conversations between liberals and conservatives seem to go. It seems also that often in discussion forums this is how it goes when discussing faith… or rather their doctrines. = )



What I think of Right Wing (and Left Wing) talk show hosts.

September 18, 2009
The issue to me about talk show hosts is when one bends the truth they bend their credibilty. So what if he is 95% right when the 5% is made up of lies? Does it make them less a liar. Most often they do not admit they lied or were mistaken. How refreshing it would be to hear Rush or Beck or someone say, “oops I made a mistake… I was wrong on this one.” It would get my attention. But most often the focus is how “right” they are… yet, the bible states clearly, “No one is righteous…” or as I say it, “no one is right.” The only Righteous (Right) one is Jesus… the rest of us are all flawed people who do and say stupid things. We need to seek out solutions and not continue in creating further polarization. Jesus called us to the ministry of reconciliation no the minsitry of division. Don’t get pulled into this worlds system… seek to find what God has for each of us to do and go out and love others as we are commanded to do.



And now, time for a joke.

September 11, 2009
An old country preacher…..had a teenage son, and it was getting time the boy should give some thought to choosing a profession. Like many young Men his age, the boy didn’t really know what he wanted to do, and he didn’t seem too concerned about it. One day, while the boy was away at school, his father decided to try an experiment. He went into the boy’s room and placed on his study table four objects.
1. A Bible…..?
2. A silver dollar…..?
3. A bottle of whisky…..?
4. And a Playboy magazine…..?
‘I’ll just hide behind the door,’ the old preacher said to himself. ‘When he comes home from school today, I’ll see which object he picks up.
If it’s the Bible, he’s going to be a preacher like me, and what a
Blessing that would be!
If he picks up the dollar, he’s going to be a business man, and that would be okay, too.
But if he picks up the bottle, he’s going to be a no-good drunken bum, and Lord, what a shame that would be.
And worst of all if he picks up that magazine he’s going to be a
Skirt-chasing womanizer.’
The old man waited anxiously, and soon heard his son’s foot-steps as he entered the house whistling and headed for his room.
The boy tossed his books on the bed, and as he turned to leave the room he spotted the objects on the table..
With curiosity in his eye, he walked over to inspect them. Finally, he picked up the Bible and placed it under his arm. He picked up the silver dollar and dropped into his pocket. He uncorked the bottle and took a big drink, while he admired this month’s centerfold.
‘Lord have mercy,’ the old preacher disgustedly whispered.
‘He’s gonna run for Congress.’



GM for the People!

June 7, 2009

var addthis_pub=”iggy”;
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GM for the People!

June 7, 2009

var addthis_pub=”iggy”;
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