Archive for the ‘writings/stories’ Category


"Thinker up has "Hot List" about "emergent" beliefs and authors!!!!!"

April 15, 2007

Kennyo said…
the purpose of this list is not for commentary on the authors but rather an aid in helping identify who those involved in the Emergent church like to read and are influenced by.
1:05 PM

This is in the comments as if an after thought… but here is the “list” of “evil” emergent practices and authors that we read… according to ThinkerUp

Emergent Beliefs and Characteristics:
• Redefine the Christian Faith to accommodate “post-modernity”• Redefining the doctrine of hell as not being literal
• God’s judgement interpreted as simply being embarrassed by your sin or an inability to gratify your desires
• Reinterpreting the penal substitutionary atonement of Christ on the cross
• Questioning the inerrant authority of scripture
• The bible primarily as a “story” or narrative• Conversion as becoming a part of “His story”
• Planetary salvation (Restoring the entire earth to it’s original Creation and “rhythm”)
• Proclaiming of the Kingdom of God being established on earth in present history more than the gospel of salvation
• Promoting a “social gospel”
• Defines themselves as “missional”
• The Protestant Reformation as possibly an ongoing process
• Believes Emergent could be a “Second Reformation”
• Questions are esteemed higher than answers
• Social and environmental activism
• Anti-war and political liberalism
• Promoting spiritual disciplines (meditation, fasting, contemplative prayer, breath prayers, centering prayer, labyrinth prayer walks, guided imagery, Lectio Divina, Ignatius Examen, stations of the cross)
• Promoting the mystical, the sensory and the experiential
• Anti-establishment
• Truth is determined by cultural influences or tradition* Truth is not propositional
• Teaching should be multi-sensory and creative rather than linear
• Traditional preaching is replaced by discussion and dialogue
• Reluctant to call homosexuality a sin
• Occasionally use profanity to get point across
• May become worldy to reach the world
• Life experiences determine theology and orthodoxy
• Language is oriented around self – feelings, opinions, and attitudes
• Community, relationships and unity are highest priorities
• Uncomfortable with historic christian orthodoxy as having an exclusive claim on truth
• Tolerate ideological and theological differences, very inclusive and ecumenical

Emergent Preferred Authors and Speakers:
• N.T. Wright
• Brian McLaren
• Henri Nouwen
• Dallas Willard
• Richard Foster
• Donald Miller
• Tony Campolo
• Rob Bell
• Dan Kimball
• Doug Pagitt
• Erwin McManus
• Gregory Boyd
• Andy Crouch
• Chris Seay
• Tony Jones
• Leonard Sweet
• Shane Claiborne
• Brian Walsh
• Miroslav Volf
• Brennan Manning
• Walter Brueggemann
• Dr. Robert Webber
• Steve Chalke
• Alan Mann
• Matthew Fox
• Tom Hohstadt
• Bono
• Ryan Bolger
• Spencer Burke
• David Bosch
• Eddie Gibbs
• Tilden Edwards
• Marcus Borg
• M. Scott Peck
• Jacques Derrida
• Karl Barth
• Søren Kierkegaard
• Carl Jung
• Thomas Merton
• Thomas Keating
• Cynthia Bourgeault
• C.S. Lewis
• Sue Monk Kidd
• Anne Lamont
• Rowan Williams
• Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
• Madam Guyon
• Jürgen Moltmann
• Dietrich Bonhoeffer
• William Blake

Emergent Preferred Catholic Mystics, Desert Fathers and Monks:
• St. John of the Cross
• Ignatius of Loyola
• Peter Faber
• Dionysius
• St. Francis of Assisi
• Juliana of Norwich
• Thomas Merton
• Meister Ekhart
• Basil Pennington
• St. Teresa of Avila
• St. Thomas Aquinas
• Pierre Teilhard d Chardin
• Richard Rolle
• The Cloud of Unknowing (anonymous monk)
posted by Kennyo at 7:43 PM

That is quite a list isn’t it…

Now, there are many I have never heard about and will definitely look them up… Some I agree are not that good and some i will say are just weird to see and really wonder what was going on in this persons head?

Really this goes to show that most emergents are pretty well read

Yet, I will add a few that are not on this list i have encountered…

  • Jesus (in the Bible and our hearts)
  • Paul and all the other writers of the Bible inspired by the Holy Spirit
  • Fancis Shaffear
  • Pual Viera
  • Pete Greig
  • Frank Viola
  • Wayne Jacobs
  • Jim Wallis
  • Scot McKnight
  • Karen Ward
  • Michael Frost
  • Alan Hirsch
  • John Piper
  • John MacArthur
  • Frank Page
  • Steve Taylor
  • Brian J. Walsh
  • Sylvia C. Keesmaat
  • George Barna
  • Maj Ian Thomas

This is really a good list and you can see that there is a mixture of some great things and a few not so great things… though I would disagree with many things on the list, I have seen in many traditional churches these same things… but hey, why look at your own log when you can point out splinters in others.

What i don’t see on the list is really telling… and here are some core things that would never be found in emergent circles.

  • hatred
  • justification of judging other (condemnation)
  • Someone to be the Holy Spirit for you
  • someone who tries to control you
  • someone who accepts you only if you tow the company line

I am sure there are more… so go ahead and add to the list.


The Jewish Dog

March 24, 2007

This was shared with me by a friend who is a Messianic Jew… strange term that is… for the miricle is really that there are Messianic Gentiles…




Hymie walks into his synagogue with a dog. The shammas immediately comes up to him and says, “This is a House of Worship, Hymie, you know you can’t bring a dog in here.”

“What do you mean I can’t?” says Hymie, “Look at him, he’s a Jewish dog.”

The shammas then notices that the dog has a tallis bag round its neck.

Hymie then says to the dog, “Benjamin, daven for me.”

The dog stands on his back legs and says, “Woof woof, woof,” then opens the tallis bag, takes out a kippa and puts it on his head, exactly in between its ears.

“Woof, woof,” says the dog who then pulls out a tallis and puts it round his neck.

“Woof, woof, woof,” says the dog who then takes out a siddur and starts to pray, rocking from side to side.

“That’s brilliant,” says the shammas, “totally incredible. You must get him on TV and the movies and you could make millions.”

“You speak to him then,” says Hymie, “he wants to be a doctor.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
GLOSSARY OF TERMS: in order as used.
Shammas: (n) (Yiddish – language of the European Jew) Servant of the synagogue; sexton; chief
Tallis: (n) (Yiddish) A prayer shawl.
Daven: (v) (Yiddish) To pray, esp. from a Siddur or prescribed prayers from a prayerbook.
Kippa: (n) (Yiddish) A small head covering (kippah); yarmulke.
Siddur: (n) A prayerbook containing the key Hebrew prayers for synagogue service.

This Jewish Dog is a stereotypical type of both the OT and NT church. They have been taught to do all of the “right things”, they have been taught to talk the talk but it has not changed the reality of who they are. They are impressive to men but they are still not right with YHVH.

Pastor Eric
Tree of Life Ministries


The Jewish Dog

March 24, 2007

This was shared with me by a friend who is a Messianic Jew… strange term that is… for the miricle is really that there are Messianic Gentiles…




Hymie walks into his synagogue with a dog. The shammas immediately comes up to him and says, “This is a House of Worship, Hymie, you know you can’t bring a dog in here.”

“What do you mean I can’t?” says Hymie, “Look at him, he’s a Jewish dog.”

The shammas then notices that the dog has a tallis bag round its neck.

Hymie then says to the dog, “Benjamin, daven for me.”

The dog stands on his back legs and says, “Woof woof, woof,” then opens the tallis bag, takes out a kippa and puts it on his head, exactly in between its ears.

“Woof, woof,” says the dog who then pulls out a tallis and puts it round his neck.

“Woof, woof, woof,” says the dog who then takes out a siddur and starts to pray, rocking from side to side.

“That’s brilliant,” says the shammas, “totally incredible. You must get him on TV and the movies and you could make millions.”

“You speak to him then,” says Hymie, “he wants to be a doctor.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
GLOSSARY OF TERMS: in order as used.
Shammas: (n) (Yiddish – language of the European Jew) Servant of the synagogue; sexton; chief
Tallis: (n) (Yiddish) A prayer shawl.
Daven: (v) (Yiddish) To pray, esp. from a Siddur or prescribed prayers from a prayerbook.
Kippa: (n) (Yiddish) A small head covering (kippah); yarmulke.
Siddur: (n) A prayerbook containing the key Hebrew prayers for synagogue service.

This Jewish Dog is a stereotypical type of both the OT and NT church. They have been taught to do all of the “right things”, they have been taught to talk the talk but it has not changed the reality of who they are. They are impressive to men but they are still not right with YHVH.

Pastor Eric
Tree of Life Ministries


Jesus Goes to Church pt 3

June 1, 2005

Jesus Goes to Church Part 3

She stepped from the darkness of the Church focused on the man on the path…It seemed right to follow Him. Could it be?

“Jesus?” she yelled.

Jesus kept walking, so she stepped up her pace a bit… and called out,” Jesus?”

He turned to her and His face shined like the sun…”Yes, I Am”.

She could not believe this was happening, “Why aren’t you in Church?” she asked.
He smiled and said, “They don’t need Me, they have their religion.”

She looked at Him with shock and confusion, but before she could ask the next question, He answered it.

“I called you out. You are my called out one…”

She seemed to tremble for no reason. He then took her hand and said, “Come it is time, I have a great surprise for you.”

A mixture of delight and holy fear seemed to over take her… she followed as He commanded.

They came upon a field with a great banquet table set as if for royalty… she asked, “What is this all for.”
Jesus just said, “You”.
She was shocked, and it seemed as if angels gather around them, and changed her jeans and t-shirt into a beautiful white dress. She began laughing as she realized it was a wedding dress!
They brought her out and she stood before Jesus. “You are a perfect beauty!” He seemed to shout.

“Who am I marrying?” she asked a bit shyly.

Jesus said without blinking, “You are my called out one, My bride.”

They stood in the field and the world seemed to change, goodness seem to be everywhere and as if it came from in her and on her and all around her…. She then realized the source of this goodness was….. Jesus Himself.

A tear began to form on her eye as she never felt so loved. Jesus reached over and wiped the tear away, “You will cry no more, for you will reign with me in my Kingdom for eternity.”

Come let us go a see my Father…. He is much pleased with you.

Revelation 19: 5. Then a voice came from the throne, saying: “Praise our God, all you his servants, you who fear him, both small and great!”
6. Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: “Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns.
7. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready.
8. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear.” (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the saints.)
9. Then the angel said to me, “Write: `Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!'” And he added, “These are the true words of God.”


Jesus Goes to Church pt 3

June 1, 2005

Jesus Goes to Church Part 3

She stepped from the darkness of the Church focused on the man on the path…It seemed right to follow Him. Could it be?

“Jesus?” she yelled.

Jesus kept walking, so she stepped up her pace a bit… and called out,” Jesus?”

He turned to her and His face shined like the sun…”Yes, I Am”.

She could not believe this was happening, “Why aren’t you in Church?” she asked.
He smiled and said, “They don’t need Me, they have their religion.”

She looked at Him with shock and confusion, but before she could ask the next question, He answered it.

“I called you out. You are my called out one…”

She seemed to tremble for no reason. He then took her hand and said, “Come it is time, I have a great surprise for you.”

A mixture of delight and holy fear seemed to over take her… she followed as He commanded.

They came upon a field with a great banquet table set as if for royalty… she asked, “What is this all for.”
Jesus just said, “You”.
She was shocked, and it seemed as if angels gather around them, and changed her jeans and t-shirt into a beautiful white dress. She began laughing as she realized it was a wedding dress!
They brought her out and she stood before Jesus. “You are a perfect beauty!” He seemed to shout.

“Who am I marrying?” she asked a bit shyly.

Jesus said without blinking, “You are my called out one, My bride.”

They stood in the field and the world seemed to change, goodness seem to be everywhere and as if it came from in her and on her and all around her…. She then realized the source of this goodness was….. Jesus Himself.

A tear began to form on her eye as she never felt so loved. Jesus reached over and wiped the tear away, “You will cry no more, for you will reign with me in my Kingdom for eternity.”

Come let us go a see my Father…. He is much pleased with you.

Revelation 19: 5. Then a voice came from the throne, saying: “Praise our God, all you his servants, you who fear him, both small and great!”
6. Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: “Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns.
7. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready.
8. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear.” (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the saints.)
9. Then the angel said to me, “Write: `Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!'” And he added, “These are the true words of God.”


Jesus Goes to Church pt 2

April 30, 2005

She woke up from a vivid dream…. it was so real.
Her heart was filled with joy.
“I can’t miss Church today, even if it is not true!”

She jumped from bed and quickly began getting ready. She sang a hymn as she glided through her kitchen and grabbed some pop tarts for a quick breakfast.
The sun was shining bright as she made her way to her car. She looked at her watch and realized she was late. She would miss worship but be able to get there as they began to share about God. She could not wait! “Should I share about my dream?” She laughed out loud….

She pulled up to the parking lot and saw a bizarre sight. Someone had tied a donkey to the rails of the stairs!

She laughed again, thinking, “Maybe Jesus did come to church today!” Her heart jumped for joy!

She parked her car and could her quite a commotion inside.

“Who did he think he was anyway?”

“Maybe we should be more restrictive who we let in our church.”

“Can you believe how disruptive he was…. With our worship!”

She pushed the door open and quietly made her way in. She asked a little old lady whom this person was who came and caused such a stir.

“Some Jewish Hippie, probably and illegal liberal who is against the war and God and this country!”

The girl had to turn away from the spit from the old ladies mouth.

The girl asked where he had gone. The old lady said “Out the door!”

The Pastor saw her and beckoned her to come in… she was the newest person in his congregation. He was trying to get his numbers up.

The girl looked at him then back at the door…. She stepped towards the door.

“Where are you going?” Screamed the Pastor.

“I am leaving the Church!” she shouted as she pushed the doors open.
She saw a man walking down the rode, about one hundred feet away.

She stepped outside, and as the sun hit her face…

Joy filled her heart

And she followed Jesus from that day on.


Jesus Goes to Church pt 2

April 30, 2005

She woke up from a vivid dream…. it was so real.
Her heart was filled with joy.
“I can’t miss Church today, even if it is not true!”

She jumped from bed and quickly began getting ready. She sang a hymn as she glided through her kitchen and grabbed some pop tarts for a quick breakfast.
The sun was shining bright as she made her way to her car. She looked at her watch and realized she was late. She would miss worship but be able to get there as they began to share about God. She could not wait! “Should I share about my dream?” She laughed out loud….

She pulled up to the parking lot and saw a bizarre sight. Someone had tied a donkey to the rails of the stairs!

She laughed again, thinking, “Maybe Jesus did come to church today!” Her heart jumped for joy!

She parked her car and could her quite a commotion inside.

“Who did he think he was anyway?”

“Maybe we should be more restrictive who we let in our church.”

“Can you believe how disruptive he was…. With our worship!”

She pushed the door open and quietly made her way in. She asked a little old lady whom this person was who came and caused such a stir.

“Some Jewish Hippie, probably and illegal liberal who is against the war and God and this country!”

The girl had to turn away from the spit from the old ladies mouth.

The girl asked where he had gone. The old lady said “Out the door!”

The Pastor saw her and beckoned her to come in… she was the newest person in his congregation. He was trying to get his numbers up.

The girl looked at him then back at the door…. She stepped towards the door.

“Where are you going?” Screamed the Pastor.

“I am leaving the Church!” she shouted as she pushed the doors open.
She saw a man walking down the rode, about one hundred feet away.

She stepped outside, and as the sun hit her face…

Joy filled her heart

And she followed Jesus from that day on.


Jesus Goes to Church pt.1

April 18, 2005

Jesus Went To Church

One day Jesus decided to go to Church. He was excited at what He would share and to hear the stories of His Father and how His Spirit had given new life.

Jesus was humble.

He looked in the mirror. No He was not a Brad Pit, yet He had that certain “something”
That God’s Only Begotten would have.
He oiled His hair so it would look nice and went to fetch His donkey.
The day was beautiful…. He thanked the Father for such a day. As He rode up to the church, people began to stare. “Who is that?” some said, “Where is He going to put that filthy beast?!!!” others said.

Though Jesus heard them he thought they must be having a bad day…. It is good they came to His Fathers house.

Jesus looked for a good seat…. He did not want to miss a thing. He sat close to the front. As He was looking around a little old lady poked Him with her cane and loudly said, “ You’re in my seat!!!!!. Move!”

Jesus smiled and graciously found another seat.

The people seemed all a buzz about Jesus coming to church. Jesus had much to tell them… He was so excited.

The preacher stepped up to the pulpit…and asked if any one had something to share or if they felt God wanted them to share with the church…. He was a progressive preacher…. Even a bit too modern for some in the church.

Jesus rose and stepped up to the microphone.

With eternal fire in His eyes He started to speak…..
But before He could, someone yelled “Why is he wearing a dress?”
Someone else shouted,” It’s not a dress, it’s a robe!.” Everyone laughed.
Jesus started again, “Blessed is…” only to be cut short by
“Is he a Mexican?”
Again someone much more learned shouted, “No, he looks like a Jew!”

The whole church shouted….”A JEW?!!!”

Jesus smiled and began again, “Blessed, is the”….

“He needs to get out of that robe and wash his hair! He smells of donkey and HIS SKIN IS TOO DARK! He needs to go to his own kind’s church!”

The preacher said, “Son, you better go. We don’t need any trouble here in church.”

Jesus looked at him and the smile left his face. He opened His mouth again, but the Preacher said, “Besides, you don’t seem to have much to say any way, so leave.”

Jesus walked to the door of the church….

Outside the sunshine hit His face…


Jesus wept.


Jesus Goes to Church pt.1

April 18, 2005

Jesus Went To Church

One day Jesus decided to go to Church. He was excited at what He would share and to hear the stories of His Father and how His Spirit had given new life.

Jesus was humble.

He looked in the mirror. No He was not a Brad Pit, yet He had that certain “something”
That God’s Only Begotten would have.
He oiled His hair so it would look nice and went to fetch His donkey.
The day was beautiful…. He thanked the Father for such a day. As He rode up to the church, people began to stare. “Who is that?” some said, “Where is He going to put that filthy beast?!!!” others said.

Though Jesus heard them he thought they must be having a bad day…. It is good they came to His Fathers house.

Jesus looked for a good seat…. He did not want to miss a thing. He sat close to the front. As He was looking around a little old lady poked Him with her cane and loudly said, “ You’re in my seat!!!!!. Move!”

Jesus smiled and graciously found another seat.

The people seemed all a buzz about Jesus coming to church. Jesus had much to tell them… He was so excited.

The preacher stepped up to the pulpit…and asked if any one had something to share or if they felt God wanted them to share with the church…. He was a progressive preacher…. Even a bit too modern for some in the church.

Jesus rose and stepped up to the microphone.

With eternal fire in His eyes He started to speak…..
But before He could, someone yelled “Why is he wearing a dress?”
Someone else shouted,” It’s not a dress, it’s a robe!.” Everyone laughed.
Jesus started again, “Blessed is…” only to be cut short by
“Is he a Mexican?”
Again someone much more learned shouted, “No, he looks like a Jew!”

The whole church shouted….”A JEW?!!!”

Jesus smiled and began again, “Blessed, is the”….

“He needs to get out of that robe and wash his hair! He smells of donkey and HIS SKIN IS TOO DARK! He needs to go to his own kind’s church!”

The preacher said, “Son, you better go. We don’t need any trouble here in church.”

Jesus looked at him and the smile left his face. He opened His mouth again, but the Preacher said, “Besides, you don’t seem to have much to say any way, so leave.”

Jesus walked to the door of the church….

Outside the sunshine hit His face…


Jesus wept.


the mad man screams out to chaos

August 29, 2004

Beyond our perception that one sees as chaos is God, to find God is like the calm of a great storm. to leave the center is to be destroyed, to live in the center is to live in peace as the storm rages. the turtles hide don’t they, they see the storm and crawl into shells, can’t see so no harm. Don’t move and no hurt. But, I am damaged goods… the sick one in need of the doctor, my bones need broken to be fit right, my spirit to be broken to be healed and reconditioned for the weight of Truth and Grace. I squirm and wiggle and pray that no one steps on me. Maybe to be used to catch fish…a worm for the Greatest of Fisher of Men. I am laid low to be lifted up… as my savior was before me. To be beaten and to be stripped for all to see… No martyr complex, but a silent prayer to the One to calm my fear, to not run as Judas but to be restored as Peter. Both committing sin against God but differing in their self view of their sin… One who felt unredeemable and one who thought he never would need to be redeemed lifted up and restored to be Jesus’ Rocky.So, do I leave the fighting of the former life… abandon the ones… or do I cause enough pain and torture them with their theology until they give up on me… in hopes as Jesus may have hoped that maybe, at the last supper, Judas may turn and say to Him, “what must I do to be saved?”

When is it the time of Salvation?… for God is Salvation.. so as God is, Salvation is….Now.
