Posts Tagged ‘Billings MT’


Just the Bible academy in Billings MT: Don’t be fooled!

August 12, 2010

There is a false “Academy” in town. By definition an academy is:

 a·cad·e·my (-kd-m)

n. pl. a·cad·e·mies

 1. A school for special instruction.

2. A secondary or college-preparatory school, especially a private one.


 a. The academic community; academe: “When there’s moral leadership from the White House and from the academy, people tend to adjust” (Jesse Jackson).

 b. Higher education in general. Used with the.

 c. A society of scholars, scientists, or artists.

Phil Perkins is starting something called Just the Bible Academy. Don’t be fooled, especially if he wants money. He is not accredited nor a real “academy” let alone a “school”. He is a person who was fired from a local Bible College for harassment of others and not complying to the Yellowstone Bible College’s authority over him as a teacher while teaching there. Phil Perkins is presenting this as “seminary-quality classes”. Now at least he is not asking for money… but beware, Phil can turn on you in a heartbeat.

Just to warn you, you will be taught legalism to the max. You will be taught to confess all your sins to make YOURSELF clean.. I guess you don’t need Jesus dying on the Cross for that after all! Now you might get a bit of logic, but man… I’ve interacted with the man and he has no grasp of logic or theology unless you love mixing the Law with Grace. These classes are dangerous theological suicide.